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Opening a notebook using C# ?

Posted 3 years ago

I can start Mathematica from C#, but the CubeOfCubes.nb argument cannot be found (The file "CubeOfCubes.nb" could not be found.).

    private void BtnKubus_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Process P = new Process();
        P.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Programme/Wolfram Research/Mathematica/12.2/Mathematica.exe/";
        P.StartInfo.Arguments = "CubeOfCubes.nb";

CubeOfCubes.nb is in the same directory as Mathematica.exe. How do I have to proceed?

POSTED BY: Peter Leibundgut
3 Replies

The solution is simple:

    private void BtnMandelbrot_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        const string program = "C:\\Programme/Wolfram Research/Mathematica/12.2/Mathematica.exe/";
        const string argument = "C:\\Projects/NB/Mandelbrot.nb";

        Process.Start(program, argument);
POSTED BY: Peter Leibundgut
Posted 3 years ago

Usually not a good idea to drop files into an applications installation directory. Anyway, have you tried using the full path?

P.StartInfo.Arguments = "C:\\Programme/Wolfram Research/Mathematica/12.2/CubeOfCubes.nb";
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Finally, the notebook file should be integrated into the project. But as an argument in the same directory as Mathematica.exe it should work for now. Unfortunately not - not even with the full file path.

POSTED BY: Peter Leibundgut
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