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[WSG22] Daily Study Group: Quantum Computation Framework (Jan 24, 2022)

enter image description here enter image description here A new study group devoted to Quantum Computation Framework begins Monday Jan 24th! A list of daily topics can be found on our Daily Study Groups page. This group will be led by me and few other developers from Wolfram Quantum Team. We will meet daily, Monday to Friday. Study group sessions include time for exercises, discussion and Q&A. This study group will help you acquire an intro knowledge of quantum computing and learn how to implement quantum algorithms in the Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework. Feel free to explore our framework.

Sign up: Study group registration page

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
68 Replies
Posted 2 years ago

The implementation of the quantum teleportation circuit in WQF lectures is not strictly correct

enter image description here

Alice sends bob her classic measurements and bob applies these to his qubit , In qiskit

enter image description here

The qiskit code is

enter image description here

Can I implement this in WQF ?

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Hi! Thanks a lot for the nice discussion on the new framework @Mads Bahrami. If possible I would like to know if there is a way to differentiate the parameterized gates. I know in principle one could define a parameter-shift rule but I was wondering if the possibility of taking "circuit derivatives" is built-in inside the framework. The reason I'm asking about it is that many of the NISQ algorithms are variational in their nature. Thanks once again :)

Posted 3 years ago

Hi! Should I need to run << Wolfram`QuantumFramework` at the start of each notebook I want to use the Quantum Framework? I installed the paclet with PacletInstall as described in the first session, but the paclet doesn't seem to load automatically, I have to run this command.

Just curious, since I noticed the session notebooks don't have a line to load the paclet at the top.

POSTED BY: Aidan Montare
Posted 3 years ago

I also noticed I don't have the paclet documentation installed locally, so perhaps I'm missing a step?

POSTED BY: Aidan Montare
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks! I followed those instructions--the documentation still doesn't seem to be available locally, but it's not a big deal to go to the web version.

POSTED BY: Aidan Montare

Which software should I install first to start the work and installation of wolfram quantum framework? Wolfram One or Wolfram Alpha Notebook Edition? Is it free or need subscription?

POSTED BY: Nima Sahraneshin

Wolfram One (note this paclet needs V12.3 or more; you can find version by evaluating $Version)

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Thanks. Expensive subscription ._.

POSTED BY: Nima Sahraneshin

Hi @Nima Sahraneshin. There are pricing plans available for everyone. As a student, you'll want to also look at Mathematica for Students.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson
Posted 3 years ago

I think the problem with is the (it may be for staff only ?)

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

No, that is shorten url using URLShorten, accessible to everyone. Try hard refresh, or Incognito mode.

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

You can find all notebooks above

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Attached is a notebook with some simple gates

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

In case the following link does not work: "" Try attached files

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Thank you Mads. Question: Do you have a nb for Interaction Free Measurement?

POSTED BY: Leon Gunther
POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago
Posted 3 years ago

Hi Mads,

I missed the Friday meeting, but would still like to get a certificate. Please let me know how/where to request it.

Thanks, Zbigniew

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Hi @Zbigniew Kabala. I see your name on the attended list last week. I will add you to the certificates list.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson

Hi, Mads and Jamie. Could you please let me know what should be accomplished for certification in addition to participation? Thanks. M

A certificate of attendance is offered for this Study Group, which requires that you have attended online sessions or logged time watching the session recordings. Both require registration in order to record your participation. The final session survey gave everyone an opportunity to request a certificate. If you missed that, then please contact to request one.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson

Here, you can find all lecture notes:

Please note that we resolved the mirror issue we had during the last lecture, so everything should work fine now

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
POSTED BY: Leon Gunther

Leon, here is the link for lecture notes:

In 4QuantumCircuit notebook, you can find info on Elitzur-Vaidman bomb. Also, you can find it in the documentation (front page, scroll down, last section contains a series of experiments on foundation of QM):

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

Currently the gates on Quantum Computers are not stable and produce errors . If you run a small circuit on the IBM experience at eg the 00 Bell state on real hardware ( in this case 5 qubit ibm-bogata quantum computer) then you should get the 50/50 probabilities as shown by the IBM experience. In reality if you run the circuit say 100 runs you will not get that 50/50 Probabilities and to achieve that 50/50 probability you may need to run the circuit say maybe 8024 times to approach the 50/50 average .

enter image description here

To make the gates more stable you will need to implement quantum error correction which means you need to add a number of physical qubits just to implement the quantum error correction eg According to the quantum Hamming bound, encoding a single logical qubit and providing for arbitrary error correction in a single qubit requires a minimum of 5 physical qubits.

So even if you want to build a quantum computer to factor the number 15 a large number of physical qubits will be needed for QER to implement the logical qubits.

running the 2 qubit entangled circuit 100 times on a real quantum device you can see the errors |01> and |10> turning up enter image description here

if this is the errors for a 2 qubit , 2 gate set up can you imagine the errors accumulating if you go to a 10 qubit circuit with say 20 gates. Error correction qubits will be needed to remove these errors

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge
Posted 3 years ago
POSTED BY: oliver frankel

Thanks to Doug, Mads and Oliver for your responses.

For Friday review The WP article  says: In 2019 an attempt was made to factor the number 35 using Shor's algorithm on an IBM Q System One, but the algorithm failed because of accumulating errors.[12] "In 2019 an attempt was made to factor the number 35 using Shor's algorithm on an IBM Q System One, but the algorithm failed because of accumulating errors.[12] "

Question: what are the sources of errors specific for QC? "Just" fluctuations?  What are the approaches to fighting  them ? (in addition to reaching - 273K :), shielding from EM fields and vibrations, etc). Thanks.

Posted 3 years ago

Does "1.03" have "yesterday" changes that may cause isses? e.g. after "steps=" where the 6th state is now invalid

ops = {QuantumOperator["H"], QuantumOperator["CX"], 
   QuantumOperator["H"], QuantumOperator["H", {2}], 
   QuantumMeasurementOperator[], QuantumMeasurementOperator[{2}]};
qc = QuantumCircuitOperator[ops];
steps = ComposeList[ops, QuantumState[{"Register", 2}]]
POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker
Posted 3 years ago

My apologies - the issue was probably my own "mis-use" of the language which then was effected by changes on Tues or Wed.

My "debugging" code attempted to display "Formula" for all results i.e both QuantumState and QuantumMeasurement. The result for QuantumMeasurement is now "less concise" and I can happily avoid it: QuantumMeasuremen[...]["ProbabilityTable"]//Normal is what I wanted anyway.

But, as I you found in the last lecture, bugs can be introduced in the development packlet. Is there a simply way to load a previous version?

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker

We've also added template for quantum functions, similar to other Wolfram Language functions. We will work on it more, to include more details.

If you hover your mouse over a function, you can see this icon: enter image description here and after clicking on it, you can see possible templates: enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

With Force ...>True it locks up

With Force..-< False see image

The same on two PCs

enter image description here

If you have time, I am interested in Quantum Teleportation example

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker

What Mathematica version u r using? (evaluate $Version)

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

Both (Windows) PCs are ok now with 13. I will attach into on 12.3 which still have the issue. But it is not a problem for me.

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker

Today's lecture in attachment

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

Is paclet temporarily un available?

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker

@Peter Aptaker it works fine on my end. Share a screenshot of error you get when installing the paclet

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

I am attempting to create the U3 gate in WQT but running into problems (see attached notebook)

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Simply apply QuantumOperator on any desired matrix enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Also, here you can find another interesting implementation:

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Since some users request a palette for quantum framework, we have added one. Note we will populate it more with more buttons etc for more functionalities we have in quantum framework :-) So now, if you install the paclet, then under "Palettes" you can find "QuantumFrameworkPalette"

Special thanks to @Nikolay Murzin

enter image description here enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Just a reminder that it's not too late to join this week's Study Group. When you sign up, you'll have access to all the session recordings and receive email notifications with links to the daily sessions and notebooks. Register for Daily Study Group: The Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson

Today's lecture in attachment

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

This afternoon (Lecture 3) could you please add more on: the (tensor derivation) of the post measurement “"Formula" “State Association” (Is it self explanatory?) and "Probability"

I would be very happy with just one example measurement worked though with vectors and matrices

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker
Posted 3 years ago

and also explain your example schematic.

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker
Posted 3 years ago

psa>I would be very happy with just one example measurement worked though with vectors and matrices (the circuit gates seem trivial by conparison)

Despite my other posts, this is still my priority

In the teleportation example, can you explain more of

QuantumTensorProduct[QuantumState[{\[Alpha], \[Beta]}],  QuantumState["PhiPlus"]]

Here I understand the tensor but little else!

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker

Thank you, Mads.

Attached you can find a collection of examples for very simple gates. Note we have not covered QuantumCircuitOperator in detail, in our StudyGroup.

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
  1. It would be helpful to discuss a relation between the QC's way of thinking and the non-binary (excluded middle) logic. Can one say that in QC logic the "middle" is included and it is multi-state?
  2. Also, can you discuss in some details the Deutsch’s problem? I read his wonderful book "The beginning of Infinity" (Highly recommend) and now realized that he had also make a fundamental contribution to QC.

Thank you for the insightful class. M Scroll down, you can find Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Thank you. @Mads Bahrami . Please I need the recording of the Quantum series study group if this possible.

POSTED BY: Osama Sarhan

You should get an email with recording, once you are registered for this StudyGroup For registration see the original post above.

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Today's notebook

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

How do you treat quantum decoherence process in the framework of the quantumOperatorTime Evolution ? Do you have examples with the Lindblad superoperator for Markov decoherence process ?

Thank you for your very interesting webinar on quantum computing.

POSTED BY: Benoit Eble

Attached are two notebooks I used for today's lecture

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

As promised, we added "BlochVector" for QuantumState as QuantumState[{"BlochVector",{rx,ry,rz}}]. For example:

r = {.5, .5, 0};
state1 = QuantumState[{"BlochVector", r}];
state2 = 
   1/2 (IdentityMatrix[2] + r . Table[PauliMatrix[i], {i, 3}])];
state1 == state2
POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks, Mads! I appreciate your quick response, Bob.

POSTED BY: Robert Lyons

Yes. Thank you. I made the journey to the demonstration's web site. The manipulate displays a graph of the equation. I need an explanation in terms of the terminology in your paclet. (If you have time)

POSTED BY: Alan White

I have a request. Time permitting, please explain the details of Black Body Radiation in terms of your 'state of the art' terminology.

POSTED BY: Alan White
Posted 3 years ago

What is the significance of the "Picture" or colored pattern display in the output to QuantumState?

POSTED BY: Richard Sweney
  • Different pictures eg Schrodinger or Heisenberg (states evolve but not operators, or vice versa)
  • colored patterns (summary boxes of objects) are MatrixPlot of corresponding matrix of each object
POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Can you briefly comment or point to examples/demos where the different dynamical pictures are utilized in Quantum Computing using the framework? Are there cases where a specific picture is more relevant for a specific type of calculation or algorithm? Does one have the ability to utilize the interaction (Dirac) picture where both operators and states are evolving within the framework? Thanks!

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Tate

As of now, we have fully implemented Schrodinger picture.

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami

Thanks Mads.

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Tate
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