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How can I show the x and y values of two points on the same Bode plot?

Posted 2 years ago

Dear All, I have actually two questions: 1. I have multiple transfer functions and I am showing their respective Bode magnitude plot in one plot. For example:

TF1 = TransferFunctionModel[{{{
    1.7607354217407793`*^7 + 15432.18944717527 s}}, 
   1.9007939847037688`*^7 + 17800.70861749659 s + 1. s^2}, s] 
TF2 = TransferFunctionModel[{{{
    3.9239734146090127`*^6 + 3281.037344551362 s}}, 
   6.16863218865207*^6 + 6389.425453315465 s + 1. s^2}, s]

I have identified the 3-dB cutoff for each of them and now I am displaying them as in the picture using Show. My code looks like this:

P1 = BodePlot [TFalpha1, PlotLayout -> "Magnitude", 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[Green, Thick], 
   Mesh -> {{{-3}}, {{16659.759374487337`}}}, 
   GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Green, Dashed], 
   GridLines -> {{16659.759374487337`}, None}, 
   MeshStyle -> PointSize[Large]];

P2 = BodePlot [TFCC , PlotLayout -> "Magnitude", 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[Orange, Thick], 
   Mesh -> {{{-3}}, {{5377.124388436974`}}}, 
   GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Orange, Dashed], 
   GridLines -> {{5377.124388436974`}, None}, 
   MeshStyle -> PointSize[Large]];

Show[P1, P2]

I used this code since I want to show where each of my 3-dB point projects at the w-axis. When I check individual plots they do have clear dashed lines on the w-axis (just like the green line in the picture, there is a dashed line in the Orange curve). But whenevr I try to combine them using Show, only the green line is there and the orange line corresponding to the Orange curve is disappeared. How can I get both the green and orange line plotted to show at what value the project on w-axis? A related question is how I can modify my code to also show where the points intersect with the y-axis? 2. Let's assume I have to show another point on the same curve (say the green one) which is 1.88 *wc (where wc is the 3-dB point) and have to depict where it intersects the w and y axes (just like the previous one). I want to show it as a different symbol than the cut-off point (which is green solid circle). Is there a way to do it?
I'll very much appreciate your help.


2 Replies

Dear Rohit, Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind help. Regards, Koushik

Posted 2 years ago

Hi Koushik,

Use Epilog rather than GridLines.

P1 = BodePlot[TF1,
  PlotLayout -> "Magnitude",
  PlotStyle -> Directive[Green, Thick],
  Mesh -> {{{-3}}, {{16659.759374487337}}},
  MeshStyle -> PointSize[Large]]

P2 = BodePlot[TF2,
  PlotLayout -> "Magnitude",
  PlotStyle -> Directive[Orange, Thick],
  Mesh -> {{{-3}}, {{5377.124388436974}}},
  MeshStyle -> PointSize[Large]]

epilog1 = {Green, Dashed, 
   InfiniteLine[{{Log10@16659.759374487337`, -25}, {Log10@16659.759374487337`, 0}}]};

epilog2 = {Red, Dashed, 
  InfiniteLine[{{Log10@5377.124388436974, -25}, {Log10@5377.124388436974, 0}}]}

Show[P1, P2, Epilog -> {epilog1, epilog2}]

enter image description here

I don't understand the second part of your question. If you want to add additional horizontal or vertical lines or points, add them to the Epilog.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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