Hi everyone,
My project is to use an arduino and an MLX90620 sensor to capture 64 values and print them to the serial connection. So far I have that part down. In the end I want to use a raspberry pi to take in that data, along with the Raspicam and Mathematica, somehow integrate everything to create heat maps. I am able to read serial connection for basic projects (such as reading a single ADC value of a potentiometer from the arduino) but with the 64 values from the MLX sensor, the raspberry pi is a bit slow for testing. So I downloaded the trial version of Mathematica onto my PC.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to connect the arduino through the serial connection in Mathematica. Arduino says it is using COM5, so in the command to try and begin the serial connection, "COM5" does nto work.serial = DeviceOpen["Serial", {"COM5", "BaudRate" -> 9600}] gives an output of DeviceOpen["Serial", {"COM5", "BaudRate" -> 9600}].. Does anybody know how ic an resolve this issue? Windows 7 with the arduino plugged into one of my USB ports.
This is the guide I am using:
http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/199023?p_p_auth=HdoaIH20Also does anybody know if it is possible to read 64 values from the buffer in scheduled intervals based on the Arduino's output? On the RPI when I put in anything greater than 10 I was getting errors.
Thank you all