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Tutorial for developing Paclets in Wolfram Workbench 3.0 as of V12.2+

5 Replies

A helpful guide indeed, thanks! How did you go about developing and running unit tests for your paclet code? For example, is it possible to use Wolfram Workbench Plugin for Eclipse to write Mathematica's Testing Framework paclet tests? Or is there an alternate unit test system?

POSTED BY: Chase Turner

With regard to developing larger paclets in Workbench/Eclipse, please take a look at:

Sam, thank you. I have not tried out the plugin for IntelliJ, but I heard that it is excellent. I am used to Eclipse IDE by now and the Wolfram Workbench Plugin for Eclipse ships with Mathematica at no extra cost (IntelliJ plugin is not free for commercial applications).

EDIT: It typically is a Wolfram Policy not to charge for everything separately as opposed to say MathWorks. ;-)

Guido, thank you for this tutorial! I am curious did you ever try Wolfram Language Plugin for IntelliJ platform based IDE’s: -- and in any case do you have any thoughts about it vs. Workbench?

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

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