Thank you for your response. I really do not want to criticize this language. I'm going to ask this one on the aspects / visions of Stephen Wolfram. He says :
"We call it the Wolfram Language because it is a language. But its a new and different kind of language. Its a general-purpose knowledge-based language. That covers all forms of computing, in a new way:
Something Very Big Is Coming: Our Most Important Technology Project YetAn example:
fft of 28800 Data from a SCV File (the tides)
Wolfram Language
data = Import["Data.csv"];
time = data[[All,1]];
water = data[[All,2]];
f = Fourier[PadRight[water,32768,0.]];
fft = Abs[Take[f,16385]];
pos1 = Position[fft,RankedMax[fft,2]][[1,1]];
pos2 = Position[fft,RankedMax[fft,3]][[1,1]];
freq = (time[[(pos1 - pos2)]]) * 24;
hours = Floor[freq];
min = Round[(frequenz - stunden)*60];
file = open('Data.csv',"rb")
reader = csv.reader(file)
time = []
water = []
for data in reader
N = len(water)
FFT = sy.fft(water,32768)/N
FFT_abs = abs(FFT[:16385])
data = heapq.nlargest(3, enumerate(FFT_abs), key = lambda x:x[1])
indices, vals = zip(*data)
pos1 = indices[1]
pos2 = indices[2]
freq = time[((pos1) - (pos2))-1]*24
hours = int(math.floor(freq))
min = int((freq - hours)*60)
In the core area , I have a the identical expense. It was carried out a time measurement:
Wolfram Language
(with csv read) = 12, 6 sec
(without csv read) = 0,26 sec
(with csv read) = 2,4 sec
(without csv read) = 0,49 sec
My question is, where is the new way of computing? I really do not want to criticize this language. I just want to have something that I really get an extreme advantage to gain through this language.