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How to change the default CellEvaluationLanguage?

Suppose I want an external language cell in my Notebook. I press > at the beginning of the line. I get a little Python dingbat on the left for the Python code I might want to enter. But what if I don't want to use Python? I want to use R or Julia or something else. If I want R code, for example, and an R dingbat, I have to scroll down every time I press > and click R. While there are harsher forms of oppression out there, it's a bit of a nuisance where one has dozens of R cells. (Or Julia or anything but Python). Is there some option I can set or another thing I can do so that R is the default CellEvaluationLanguage for an ExternalLanguage style cell?

POSTED BY: Seth Chandler

Just spelunking through the code (search the core stylesheet to see how the front end decides what language to use and then follow from there) I can see there is no documented user settable way to do this. You should file a suggestion with Wolfram Research to make this user settable here.

That being said, it looks like you can set something like

ExternalEvaluate`Private`$FElang = "Shell"

during a session and all subsequent external language cells will be of the "Shell" variety.

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs
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