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MaterialsProjectLink: Wolfram functions for calling Materials Project Rest

Posted 2 years ago

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POSTED BY: Kirill Belov
6 Replies

How does this functionality compare to the MaterialsProjectData repository function?

POSTED BY: Joshua Schrier
Posted 11 months ago

Hi! Thanks for the question! I didn't know this function existed and haven't fully explored it yet. From what I have studied and understood I can say this:

  1. My package does not use Python. The function from function repository uses Python and also requires additional packages to be installed.
  2. materialProjectLink generates all the definitions on the fly. What's even more important is that for each API method, a regular function is created - you can see information about it with Information or "?".
  3. thanks to the on-the-go generation - you will always have an up-to-date version if you run the generation again.
  4. All functions and options at once.
POSTED BY: Kirill Belov

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Posted 11 months ago

Hi users,
I am trying to use the Paclet ["KirillBelov/MaterialsProjectLink"]. I installed the packlet. I put my API key into my nb. After I evaluated all cells, at the beginning of the notebook, something did not work:

getMaterials[allFields -> True]

I receive the return:

getMaterials[allFields -> True]

the same as input.
I am using Mathematica 13.3. Please, anyone, could you help me fix this?

POSTED BY: David Azevedo
Posted 11 months ago

Hi! One minute, let me see.

POSTED BY: Kirill Belov
Posted 10 months ago

Dear colleague,

Did you find any solutions to this question?


POSTED BY: David Azevedo
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