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Aligning a rotated plot with a normal plot

Posted 1 year ago

Hi, I am working on a problem where an electron is subject to a well potential, so I want to be able to have one plot that shows the Energy as a function of x, and another plot beside it that shows transmission and reflection as a function of Energy. I want to line it up like one of my friends has in python (attached).

When I try to rotate a plot in Mathematica, I have had nothing but issues. The closest I have been able to get is using Graphics Row with set image sizes and aspect ratios, but the plots are not at all aligned and this cuts off the axes. I also have not been able to rotate any of the axes ticks on the rotated graph.

Any help you could give me would be much appreciated, thanks! A minimum working example notebook of my code is attached.


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This is not a complete answer to your question, but the notebook below shows how you can use Plot options to approximate the left plot in your picture. Both Python and Wolfram Language have their own designs for what plots look like so converting one to the other is always a bit complicated (try to approximate a Wolfram Language plot with Python to see what I mean...)

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

For the right plot you can use ParametricPlot. See the attached notebook for my best approximation of your plot from the screen capture.

Here is a simple example to help you understand how ParametricPlot can flip the axes:

ParametricPlot[{Sin[x], x}, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]
POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

You can put these plots together using Graphics and Inset. Ideally you want to use GraphicsRow here, but aligning these plots is a bit finicky.

This is the end result on my machine. You may need to tweak some things, but it should approximate the plot you have shown:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
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