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Using Cloud credits with Curated data calls

5 Replies
Posted 11 years ago

I hope there will be some credit estimator tools released in the near future. It would be nice to know if 15% of your monthly API call allowance will be taken up with one service call once deployed.

POSTED BY: Kirk Klobe

Thanks for the feedback Kirk!

Now that we have some good usage data, we have started work on a series of pages that will be accessible from the main Cloud Credits page.

Each page will describe several scenarios and the resources consumed. Please let me know what else would be useful. What about a "100 Cloud Credits can get you . . ." table showing a bunch of examples?

One item on our backlog is the ability to "test your API" and show how many Cloud Credits it might consume.

We really appreciate all the feedback and it does influence our work. Please keep sending us suggestions. Thank you!

POSTED BY: Clayton Voyles
Posted 11 years ago
POSTED BY: Kirk Klobe

Version 9 does not treat the second form usefully, so the new, Entity interpretation is used in WPC.

In[1]:= ElementData[6,"AtomicMass"]
Out[1]= 12.0107 

In[2]:= ElementData[6]["AtomicMass"]
Out[2]= Carbon[AtomicMass] 

ElementData and other functions will be billed consistently with other data-retrieval functions like EntityValue. For the time being these functions are not billing when used the v9 way, as a courtesy to users who have used these functions in the old ways in previous versions.

Please note that it will not cost Cloud Credits to make these calls in Mathematica 10, when released.


That is interesting. On:

I found that

Retrieving Knowledgebase data | 2 credits per call

which is consistent with your 176 Cloud Credits. You apply the ElementData request to Range[88], so 88 times. So that seems to make sense. It is a bit surprising that you do not get charged at all for



Cheers, M.

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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