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Traditional Chinese Style Poetry, GeoListPlot with OpenAILink and chatGPT

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POSTED BY: Jack I Houng
7 Replies

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As a Chinese person, I think it's quite interesting! It will be better if the poetry is Chinese, haha!

POSTED BY: Bowen Ping

My topic is tradition chinese **style which is not confined to any language. You certainly can ask chatGPT to write it in Chinese or to translate. I post examples later

POSTED BY: Jack I Houng

Thank you~

POSTED BY: Bowen Ping

this is done manually with google translate enter image description here Using Grid and such you can easily do multiple languages enter image description here chatGPT is also able to do translation but as is the translation loses the strict 7x10 form enter image description here You can ask chatGPT entirely in Chinese or other languages and the returned result conforms to the 7x10 form (almost entirely) enter image description here

POSTED BY: Jack I Houng

That looks good! Thank you for your help. I'll try late on by myself!

POSTED BY: Bowen Ping

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