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How to compare two ratios computed from curated data?

Posted 1 year ago

If I make a query for “rice, protein/calories” or “protein/calories rice” then Wolfram Alpha (WA) will correctly compute the ratio of grams of protein to Calories for a certain quantity of rice.

And if I request, “rice vs quinoa, calories” then it will compare the caloric content of rice and quinoa.

But how do I get Wolfram Alpha to compare the ratios?

POSTED BY: Alexis Gallagher
3 Replies

Sending a property over a list of entities usually works.

London, Paris, Madrid population

Threading an entity down a list of properties usually works.

quinoa protein, calories, fat

Multiple properties or compound expressions composed from multiple property values are going to have trouble going over multiple entities. For that you will need a more precise Wolfram Language expression or try to replicate the properties in the input for each entity.

rice vs quinoa protein/calories (*gets confused*)
rice protein/calories vs quinoa protein/calories (*gets confused*)
rice protein/rice calories vs quinoa protein/quinoa calories (*link all entities with properties*)

Thank you for this! What is the binding rule that one should remember to be able to find solutions like this?

POSTED BY: Alexis Gallagher
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