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Glam-ifying 3D graphics: simple video animations and techniques

Posted 1 year ago

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Anika Patel
5 Replies

This is extremely cool, Anika!

POSTED BY: Arben Kalziqi

Nice work! Can we linger on the key points for a duration?

POSTED BY: Kevin Daily

Yeah! There's a few ways to do this:

  1. If you want to linger on key points after the video is finished (you have the times of the key frames) you could use VideoInsert and SlideShowVideo[VideoExtractFrames[video, keyFrameTime] -> duration] to essentially "freeze" on that frame for the duration.

  2. For a "slow-mo" or a general time change of key points you could do VideoTimeStretch

  3. You could also build this into your path function itself and make it piecewise (essentially giving the same effect as the first option) or change the times in the interpolation (essentially giving the same effect as the second option)

Out of these I prefer the first. In the case of the final example in my post (with the cellular automaton) the key points are spaced evenly (every 1 second) so extracting the frames and inserting them at every second would be fairly trivial.

POSTED BY: Anika Patel

Bloody Excellent! and way more edifying than the Academy and Emmy awards which inspired this application to 3D graphics.

Many Congrats Anika

POSTED BY: Michael Kelly

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