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p = Plot[Evaluate@ Table[PDF[GammaDistribution[alpha, beta], x], {alpha, {0.001}}, {beta, {14660}}], {x, 0, 100000}, Filling -> Axis]. After this command, when i want to export the data points to excel in the form compatible with the word, i am not getting. I mean when i use the command, data = Cases[Normal[p], x_Line :> First[x], Infinity]; data = Flatten[data, 1]; TableForm[data[[1 ;; 100]]], i get the data points but i when i copy paste the values, all the values come as 10^(-6) which is not getting plotted in excel or origin. How do i achieve ths?

2 Replies

After getting the gamma distribution plot, i am supposed to type the above command and then open the excel file named text.xls? but i am not getting it

You should not really by copying and pasting. Use export as in

data = Cases[Normal[p], x_Line :> First[x], Infinity]; data = Flatten[data, 1];
Export["test.xls", data]

Now open the file "test.xls" in the same folder as the notebook using excel.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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