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Global population distribution: what's a Valeriepieris circle, and where 99% of us live

Posted 1 year ago

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Jari Kirma
6 Replies

This great! I used this recently to build another data visualization using your Valeriepieris circle parameters:

enter image description here

I was a bit surprised and also asked by other people why Tokyo and Java Island, Indonesia are not in the circle. But to my another surprise I found a research article where results are pretty similar ( DOI ):

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

This is very interesting data, and it produces very interesting maps. I was wondering what would be the best projection in this context, and I believe an equal-area projection could be most useful because it would allow us to compare population against area. If we also want an azimuthal projection, which I think is a good choice, then "LambertAzimuthal" would be the projection to use, perhaps with a centering at the center of one of these circles, like the orthographic map above.

Posted 9 months ago

Choosing a good whole-planet projection is indeed a pain point for map of any kind, especially once one has learned how all projections have their limitations!

Some different centerings for Lambert azimuthal (equal area): enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

And Mollweide: enter image description here enter image description here

POSTED BY: Jari Kirma
Posted 9 months ago

I checked the code used in that article some months ago, and it builds confidence on reasonable validity of my solution; it's certainly a separate, and different implementation for the search, yet produces basically the same result. Both rely on effectively the same dataset, so it better be good... :)

POSTED BY: Jari Kirma

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Yes, Mollweide is also a good choice, indeed. Thanks for the new maps!

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