1) I watched all videos for the framework.
2) Then, I passed all the quizzes.
=> I could access my Course Completion Certificate.
3) I was not able to pass the final exam by 11:59 pm on November 10th, 2023 on Chicago time.
4) Even now I still work on the final exam. HOWEVER, sometime after 10 pm on November 10th, 2023 on Chicago time, "Grade My Exam" button was not enabled no matter what.
on November 3rd, I received an e-mail from Wolfram U Team that included the below.
Daily Study Group: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Monday, October 16, 2023 · 11:00 a.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
"The deadline to pass the six quizzes for your course completion certificate is Friday, November 10. "
(Question to doublecheck my understanding):
The six quizzes were due on 11:59 pm, November 10th.
-> Only if we pass the six quizzes by then, we are eligible for the Coure Completion Certificate.
"You can take the exam anytime you feel ready; your Level 1 proficiency certification will be generated automatically from the course framework."
(Very important Question (for me)):
No deadline for the final exam.
-> Thus, we should be able to take the final exam and make it graded even after the November 10th deadline of the six Quizzes.
anytime we pass the final exam, we will receive the Level 1 Certificate.
- If misunderstood, would you enlighten me on it?
How can we know about the answers to the final exam? I have asked the same question during gthe daily study group period. However, there is still no answer. Unless we receive 100%, we will never know about the correct answers.