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Global setting for turning off dynamic plot Highlighting

Is there any $ system setting to switch the default dynamic plot highlighting off?
I'm aware that with PerformanceGoal -> "Speed" but I'm getting a bit annoyed with having to add to all my functions.

I have had many occasions when performing heavy calculations and scrolling through notebooks dynamic evaluation crashes happened because I scrolled over a plot.
Furthermore, when plotting with more than 2-5 lines the performance becomes very very slow in generating the plots which is in most of my use cases and I typically generate many plots simultaneously which on some occasions has crashed the front end with the disable dynamic update warning.

Thanks, Martijn

POSTED BY: Martijn Froeling
6 Replies

Possible workaround for Plot-related crashes here:


Martijn, Can you try this and see if that helps you:

Charting`$InteractiveHighlighting = False

We're trying to get a better/official answer, but this may be useful to you so I am sharing it here.

(Vriendelijke groeten)

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

Thanks for the update, works like a charm. The highlighting is extremely useful in many cases, but having it not enabled by default would be a better choice such that the user can choose when to activate rather than deactivate.

BTW this is an example that is a simple scenario where the plots take over 10s to display and the dynamics are sluggish and can crash the notebook when scrolling them into the screen when the CPU is at 80% doing other calculations. I get the popup dynamic update warning, abort or continue waiting. Generally, this will result in a kernel crash.

vals = {
   {{{96., 98.4}, {94.7, 95.6}}, {{95.1, 94.1}, {93.5, 92.2}}, {{94.2,
       97.9}, {95.9, 95.4}}},
   {{{97.2, 99.9}, {96.8, 98.7}}, {{96.5, 96.6}, {96.5, 
      96.8}}, {{95.8, 99.5}, {97.4, 99.}}},
   {{{95.6, 97.9}, {96., 96.9}}, {{94.6, 93.6}, {95.5, 93.2}}, {{96.1,
       96.6}, {96.5, 94.6}}},
   {{{96.9, 98.9}, {96.2, 97.5}}, {{96.5, 94.7}, {95.8, 
      93.6}}, {{96.5, 98.}, {96.9, 96.}}},
   {{{96.8, 98.8}, {96.5, 97.2}}, {{96.4, 95.6}, {96.3, 
      94.1}}, {{96.6, 98.2}, {97.4, 94.8}}},
   {{{97.5, 99.7}, {98.1, 98.9}}, {{97.1, 95.8}, {97.5, 
      94.5}}, {{97.5, 97.4}, {98., 97.4}}},
   {{{98.1, 100.7}, {98.1, 99.6}}, {{96.8, 95.7}, {97.4, 
      95.9}}, {{97.8, 98.4}, {98.6, 98.6}}},
   {{{95.7, 97.8}, {96., 97.2}}, {{94.5, 93.4}, {95.2, 93.8}}, {{94.4,
       98.1}, {97.9, 97.9}}},
   {{{97.2, 98.9}, {96.7, 97.8}}, {{95.9, 94.3}, {95.7, 
      92.5}}, {{96.2, 97.4}, {97.7, 95.6}}},
   {{{96.9, 99.}, {97.3, 98.4}}, {{96.1, 95.6}, {97.5, 95.3}}, {{95.1,
       99.7}, {98.4, 98.6}}},
   {{{96.7, 98.6}, {96.9, 97.6}}, {{95.7, 94.7}, {96.5, 
      94.3}}, {{95.1, 97.9}, {98., 97.6}}},
   {{{96.8, 99.5}, {96.9, 97.8}}, {{95.4, 94.3}, {96., 93.9}}, {{97.2,
       98.1}, {97.8, 97.1}}},
   {{{95.4, 97.7}, {95.8, 97.}}, {{94.8, 93.9}, {95.2, 93.3}}, {{95.2,
       97.5}, {97., 96.3}}},
   {{{95.9, 98.}, {96., 98.}}, {{95., 93.9}, {95.4, 93.9}}, {{95., 
      98.4}, {96.9, 97.6}}},
   {{{97.2, 99.6}, {97.2, 98.3}}, {{96., 94.4}, {97.5, 95.1}}, {{95.7,
       98.7}, {97.8, 97.7}}},
   {{{97.2, 99.4}, {97.6, 98.3}}, {{96.4, 95.7}, {97.2, 
      95.7}}, {{95.9, 100.3}, {98.1, 98.1}}},
   {{{97.2, 99.}, {97., 98.3}}, {{96.8, 96.2}, {97.3, 95.7}}, {{96.2, 
      98.4}, {97.9, 96.9}}},
   {{{97.5, 99.7}, {97.4, 98.5}}, {{96.7, 95.5}, {97.1, 
      95.4}}, {{96.1, 99.2}, {98.1, 97.}}},
   {{{96.5, 100.}, {96.6, 98.6}}, {{95.7, 95.2}, {96.3, 
      94.6}}, {{95.1, 99.4}, {97.7, 98.1}}},
   {{{97.7, 99.9}, {97.9, 99.1}}, {{97., 95.8}, {98.2, 95.9}}, {{96.2,
       100.2}, {97.8, 98.1}}},
   {{{97.6, 100.2}, {97.5, 98.9}}, {{96.7, 95.2}, {97.6, 
      95.8}}, {{95.6, 99.6}, {98., 98.7}}},
   {{{97.4, 98.6}, {96.7, 98.2}}, {{96.4, 94.3}, {96.3, 
      94.3}}, {{96.2, 99.2}, {97.5, 97.4}}},
   {{{97.1, 98.8}, {97.1, 98.2}}, {{96.5, 95.}, {97.6, 95.7}}, {{96.7,
       98.}, {97.9, 97.5}}},
   {{{97.6, 99.5}, {96.8, 98.3}}, {{97.7, 96.}, {96.5, 95.}}, {{97., 
      98.6}, {97.2, 97.6}}},
   {{{97.1, 98.6}, {96.6, 97.8}}, {{96.7, 95.2}, {96.7, 
      95.4}}, {{97.3, 98.4}, {97.4, 97.7}}},
   {{{97.5, 100.3}, {97.3, 98.8}}, {{96.7, 96.1}, {97.2, 
      95.5}}, {{95.4, 99.4}, {98.4, 98.1}}},
   {{{97.7, 99.8}, {98.2, 99.1}}, {{96.8, 94.8}, {97.7, 
      95.7}}, {{96.5, 99.6}, {98.6, 98.6}}},
   {{{96.3, 98.3}, {97., 98.}}, {{95.6, 93.5}, {96.6, 94.8}}, {{96.4, 
      97.9}, {97.9, 97.7}}},
   {{{97.2, 98.4}, {96.1, 96.9}}, {{95.8, 93.9}, {95., 91.7}}, {{95.4,
       99.5}, {98.2, 96.8}}},
   {{{97., 99.3}, {96.6, 97.2}}, {{96.3, 95.3}, {96.3, 94.2}}, {{95.8,
       99.}, {97.4, 97.6}}},
   {{{97.1, 99.2}, {96.6, 98.5}}, {{96.6, 96.}, {96.5, 94.9}}, {{95.7,
       98.7}, {97.6, 96.9}}}
opts = Sequence[ImageSize -> 300, 
   PlotRange -> {{0.8, 2.2}, Automatic}, 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.5], Gray]];
  ListLinePlot[(Transpose[{{1, 2}, #}] & /@ #), opts] & /@ 
   Transpose[vals[[All, All, 1]]],
  ListLinePlot[(Transpose[{{1, 2}, #}] & /@ #), opts] & /@ 
   Transpose[vals[[All, All, 2]]]
POSTED BY: Martijn Froeling

In 13.3?

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

yes 13.3 on windows 10

POSTED BY: Martijn Froeling

Hi Martjin,

You can use Charting`$InteractiveHighlighting = False to turn off the highlighting completely.


POSTED BY: MinHsuan Peng
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