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3D Plotting of Time Dilation near Black holes

Posted 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have some basic code for plotting the gravitional time dilation as one moves closer to the event horizon of a black hole of a given mass. See code:

ClearAll["Global`*"]'; tp = 1; G = 
 6.67408*10^(-11); M = (6.5*10^9)*(1.989*10^30); c = 
 2.99*10^8; rs = (2*G*
    M)/(c^2); Print[]; Print["    Black hole mass:", M, "kg", "    \
Schhwarzchild radius:", rs, "m"]; Print[]; Plot[
 tp*Sqrt[1 - (rs/r)], {r, 0, 2*10^14}, AxesLabel -> {" ", "Time (s)"},
  AxesLabel -> {Style["  (m)", Bold, 26], 
   Style["Time (s)", Bold, 16]}, LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, 16], 
 AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, GridLines -> {{rs}, {}}, 
 GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[{Dashed, Thick}, Red], 
   Directive[Thick, Red]}, ColorFunction -> "NeonColors"]

I want to create a 3D plot for different masses of black holes ranging from the one given in the code to one a thousand times more massive, with a 3D sheet. I am not great at this, and while my basic code works fine, when I go to do a 3D plot, nothing seems to work.

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