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Measuring sentence complexity via network properties of the text structure tree

Posted 1 year ago

the word

POSTED BY: Mark Greenberg
7 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

Very nice Mark. Perhaps you could also do a correlation matrix of the different measures for a collection of sentences. That would give us some idea of how unique each measure is.

POSTED BY: Bernard Gress

Thanks, Bernard. Using the same test sentences, the correlation looks like this. Notice that the low end of the scale is already a high correlation.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mark Greenberg

Hello! Great post!

I did a similar project for Wolfram Summer Camp this year:

POSTED BY: Navvye Anand

Hi, Navvye. I just read through your article. You sure cover a lot of ground! It got me thinking about language analysis through graphs in ways that I hadn't thought of before. Thanks. : )

POSTED BY: Mark Greenberg

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Dear Mark,

thank you very much for this lovely post. It is really useful. I like getting metrics when marking assessments with essay components.

I wonder whether this is substantially different in different languages. So for example if I run your code on an English sentence and then a German or Spanish translation of that sentence.

I just tried this, but unfortunately, TextStructure does not work in other languages, it appears.

Thank you for the great post,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Yes, Marco, you answered your own question. This function relies on TextStructure, which only works for English. I suspect that future versions of WL will include foreign languages as well.

By the way, I used your code to access Dall•e 3 right in the WL. Thanks. : )

POSTED BY: Mark Greenberg
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