Dear community,
We are new to Mathematica and have a problem evaluating inequalities in Mathematica which we hope you can help us with.
In Problem 1 below, Mathematica returns a "True", which it should. However, why does it not return a "True" in Problem 2?
Thanks in advance,
Daniel and Kjetil
Problem 1
In[1]:= Assuming[{a - b > 0 && c > 0 && d > 0 && e > 0}, Simplify[(a - b) c + e > 0]]
Out[1]= True
Problem 2
In[6]:= Assuming[{(a - b) > 0 && c > 0 && d > 0 && e > 0 && f > 0}, Simplify[(a - b) c + e + f > 0]]
Out[6]= a c + e + f > b c