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MathJax support request

Borrowing from StackExchange, it would be really useful to support MathJax.

Examples of what is hard to do without it are:

Notice use of MathJax to typeset formulas in both the question and answers.+

MathJax allows to use LaTeX to typeset formulas of arbitrary complexity. The possible complexity of the LaTeX code actually
demands that the user sees an immediate feedback as to whether the latex code renders correctly or not. Pretty much like
the stackexchange does.

I see this would be pretty hard to do with the current use of CKEditor.

Please consider adding support for MathJax.
POSTED BY: Oleksandr Pavlyk
2 Replies
We are currently looking into several ways of implementing advanced mathematical notation in the body of posts - including MathJax and embedded Mathematica Online cells. We are considering in-paragraph and in-line versions. Embedded Mathematica Online cells are planned to appear on community site in future as the means to display all sorts of computable things: 2D/3D graphics, numeric and symbolic solutions, graphs, etc. And of course advanced mathematical typesetting is a part of it. For example this is a screenshot from Mathematica Online notebook which is a part of a webpage:

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Posted 11 years ago

What ever happenned to the Mathematica initiative you mentioned?

"We are currently looking into several ways of implementing advanced mathematical notation in the body of posts - including MathJax and embedded Mathematica Online cells."
POSTED BY: Syd Geraghty
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