Introducing a powerful new tool for fundamental analysis: the Equities Entity Store. This innovative platform enables investors to easily investigate the complex relationships between key metrics like P/E ratios and stock returns.
In just a few lines of code, you can leverage the Equities Entity Store to:
- Seamlessly retrieve both fundamental data (P/E ratios) and technical data (returns) for stocks
- Efficiently handle missing data points to ensure your analysis uses complete, aligned data
- Instantly segment stocks into P/E deciles and visualize the mean 12-month return for each decile
For example, our analysis of 2023 stock data revealed that the highest P/E decile significantly outperformed lower deciles, with a over a 10% higher mean return. These insights can help guide investors to capitalize on opportunities in growth stocks.
But this is just the beginning. The Equities Entity Store provides a unified, user-friendly interface to access and manipulate financial data, empowering researchers to focus on generating actionable insights rather than data wrangling. You can easily extend analyses to other factors, time periods and performance metrics to enhance your investment strategies.
Curious to learn more? Check out the Equities Entity Store and take your investment research to the next level.

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