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How to open/close brackets automatically

Hi Members of this group,
I was wondering how to tell Wolfram Language to automatically close brackets of a function, once I first open them. For example:

Range[ ...

I'd like WL to automatically insert "]".
What do you think, what's your opinion?
Thanks esteemed colleagues.

POSTED BY: Roberto Catanuto
2 Replies

Thanks for your suggestion. I apologize I forgot to mention that I use WolframCloud, Plan Basic. Apparently , there's no such Settings under Edit. If you have any ideas, it's more than welcome.

Kind regards

POSTED BY: Roberto Catanuto
Posted 3 months ago

Under the Edit menu you will find the Preferences dialog. Under Interface there is a checkbox to select auto insertion of the closing delimiter:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
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