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Unable to Find Sequence Continuation or Formula

Posted 11 years ago


I am doing research for a project. I have over 1500 numbers which are in sequence. I am trying to enter only a few numbers of this 1500 sequence list and with the help of those few numbers enter, I can generate the continuation sequence upto the 1500th number.

I bought a pro account just for this purpose. However, its not working. Any help will be appreciated. Here is the first 10 numbers.



4 Replies

Dear Sam,

I think that indeed such a formula does exist; it will not help a lot, but anyway. In fact there is an infinite number of sequences that fulfil these requirements. Let me construct one, which probably not the one HK wants. First we find an interpolating polynomial:

interpol = 
 InterpolatingPolynomial[{105208, 105508, 105637, 105934, 106208, 
   106258, 106377, 106769, 107293, 107537}, t]


105208 + (300 + (-(171/2) + (113/2 + (-(265/12) + (13/3 + (-(1/45) + (-(17/80) + (71/1152 - (487 (-9 + t))/45360) (-8 + t)) (-7 + t)) (-6 + t)) (-5 + t)) (-4 + t)) (-3 + t)) (-2 + t)) (-1 + t)

This polynomial will, by construction, go through all points in your list.

enter image description here

The problem is that if we evaluate the polynomial at integer values the results will not be integers. But we can fix that by applying the Floor function:

Table[Floor[interpol], {t, 1, 13}]

which gives:

{105208, 105508, 105637, 105934, 106208, 106258, 106377, 106769, 107293, 107537, 101918, 55301, -168469}

So that is one solution that fulfils your condition. In fact, you can extend your sequence with any sequence of integers you like such as the first 10 digits of Pi:

seq2 = Join[{105208, 105508, 105637, 105934, 106208, 106258, 106377, 
   106769, 107293, 107537}, RealDigits[Pi, 10, 10][[1]]]

then interpolate:

interpol2 = InterpolatingPolynomial[seq2, t]

105208 + (300 + (-(171/ 2) + (113/ 2 + (-(265/ 12) + (13/ 3 + (-(1/ 45) + (-(17/ 80) + (71/ 1152 + (-(487/ 45360) + (-(20383/ 725760) + (71051/ 2661120 + (-(535847/ 43545600) + (429343/ 113218560 + (-(3657119/ 4151347200) + (107564393/ 653837184000 + (-(457459/ 17791488000) + (307472309/ 88921857024000 + (-(18670559/45731240755200) + ( 61509179 (-19 + t))/1431118828339200) (-18 + t)) (-17 + t)) (-16 + t)) (-15 + t)) (-14 + t)) (-13 + t)) (-12 + t)) (-11 + t)) (-10 + t)) (-9 + t)) (-8 + t)) (-7 + t)) (-6 + t)) (-5 + t)) (-4 + t)) (-3 + t)) (-2 + t)) (-1 + t)

then plot to check it does the trick:

enter image description here

and then generate a list of integers with the help of the Floor function:

Table[Floor[interpol2], {t, 1, Length[seq2] + 2}]

which gives

{105208, 105508, 105637, 105934, 106208, 106258, 106377, 106769, 107293, 107537, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 9934449952, 190559866782}

It is quite obvious that this works in principle with any sequence of any length and you can extend it with all sorts of values, i.e. the first $m$ digits of $sqrt{2}$, or $sqrt{5}$, or $sqrt{7}$.

In fact if you take the first few elements of the Fibonacci sequence:

Table[Fibonacci[n], {n, 1, 12}] 

{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144}

you get

interpol3 = InterpolatingPolynomial[Table[Fibonacci[n], {n, 1, 12}], t]

1 + (1/2 + (-(1/ 6) + (1/12 + (-(1/ 40) + (1/ 144 + (-(1/ 630) + (13/ 40320 + (-(1/ 17280) + (17/1814400 + (11 - t)/725760) (-10 + t)) (-9 + t)) (-8 + t)) (-7 + t)) (-6 + t)) (-5 + t)) (-4 + t)) (-3 + t)) (-2 + t) (-1 + t)


Table[Floor[interpol3], {t, 1, 14}]

generates a sequence that is consistent with your list of numbers.

This argument means:

  1. We have constructed an infinite number of solutions to your problem; most of the solutions will be useless to you.
  2. Mathematica would be a great help in any IQ test, where you have to construct these sequences. Instead of giving only one solution you can give an infinite number of solutions, even for random sequences. :-)

Cheers, Marco

PS: Just nit-picking... I fully agree with what you said that we need much more information to attempt to give a useful solution to the problem.

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Are you sure such formula exists? Even The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences does not have it or its simplified version:

# - #[[1]] &@{105208, 105508, 105637, 105934, 106208, 106258, 106377, 106769, 107293, 107537}

{0, 300, 429, 726, 1000, 1050, 1169, 1561, 2085, 2329}

Explaining what is the nature of the numbers, giving more numbers, and any additional information - desirably complete info about the problem - would be helpful.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 11 years ago


Thank you for replies above. I am sorry as I did not give more details. Here is some more details on this.

  • There is exactly 1,696 numbers in each sequence.
  • There is NO negative numbers
  • Each number in the sequence is no more than 6 digits
  • The sequence range is from 000000 to 999999 and those 1696 numbers are generated from this range and then resets.
  • Each sequence has a Unique Number (UI) and a Common Number (CN). The Common Number for all 3 sequences below is 1500

The Unique Number for each sequence is below

Sequence 1 => 57 Sequence 2 => 58 Sequence 3 => 59

You can download the 3 sequences from this link =>

I really hope the above information helps. if anyone has any specific questions, let me know.


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