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Function to draw candlesticks to be passed to Grphics[...]

I have financial data in the form of a Dataset representing a set of candlesticks. Each candlestick is a Dataset with fields "Index","Date","Open","High","Low","Close" and "Volume". I represent the candlesticks with a Graph where each vertex is associated with a candlestick. So, vertex N is associated with candlestick N. I want to display my graph and represent the vertices with a graphic of the associated candlestick. I understand that one needs to provide a function called VertexShapeFunction to the graph function. However, I really would prefer not writing such a function but, instead, use whatever function the TradingChart function uses internally. Does anyone know if that function is accessible?
Or, absent such a possibility, could one provide code for such a function. The final result of calling this function to draw a candlestick should be a candlestick looking just like the ones shown in TradingChart.

POSTED BY: Henrick Jeanty

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