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[WSG24] Daily Study Group: Introduction to Calculus

A Wolfram U Daily Study Group on "Introduction to Calculus" begins on Monday, August 12, 2024.

Join a cohort of fellow mathematics enthusiasts to learn about the fundamentals of calculus from the recent Introduction to Calculus ebook by John Clark and myself. Our topics will include functions and limits, differential and integral calculus, and practical applications of calculus.

The study group will be led by expert Wolfram U instructor Luke Titus, and I will stop by occasionally to check in with the group. It should be a lot of fun!

No prior Wolfram Language experience is required.

Please feel free to use this thread to collaborate and share ideas, materials and links to other resources with fellow learners.


August 12- September 6, 2024, 11am-12pm CT (4-5pm GMT)


enter image description here

POSTED BY: Devendra Kapadia
303 Replies

I'm looking forward to leading this Introduction to Calculus study group. Please post any questions you have about the course to this community thread. I will be happy to answer your questions and help you get the most out of this study group.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Hi Artur,

I'll give you a long-time user's perspective. Perhaps the developers think the use in WL of HoldAll, HoldFirst, HoldRest, and no holding is perfect. I would say it was good (but not perfect). To keep it simple, I will consider two classes of functions. One will need the HoldAll, and one won't need it. There may be other classes (there is at least one I can think of, those like AppendTo). They would only complicate things. Some choices made in WL do not quite fit my picture. The design is good, but not perfect, as I said.

Before we start, let me say that all functions could have been made HoldAll. Then the arguments would be evaluated inside the function. For efficiency, people writing functions would have to decide whether an argument should be evaluated once and the value reused or reevaluated each time the argument is used (see postscript below). The first is more efficient, when appropriate, but sometimes it's not appropriate. The first happens automatically in functions that are not HoldAll. It's a common case, so that's some reason why one might not want all functions to be HoldAll. It's makes some common programming tasks easier in WL.

Now to the two classes of functions. A typical mathematical operation has the form FUNC[expr, x], where the x indicates that expr is an expression that depends on x. In some cases, the second argument has the form {x, a, b}, where a and b are numbers, but x still has the same role. One class of functions produce an expression that depends on x. For instance, D[x^2, x]. A user who enters this, generally expects an output with an x in it. In that case, x is going to be evaluated in the output. Letting x (and expr) be evaluated in the input is unlikely to cause problems. DSolve is another such function.

For the second class, consider functions FUNC[expr, x] whose output is an expression that does not depend on x. For instance, Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}]. Then x is not evaluated on output. By not letting x be evaluated through HoldAll, we extend the usefulness of Plot to the case x = 4; Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}]. If the arguments were evaluated first, we would get the nonsense call Plot[16, {4, 0, 3}]. Personally, I'm glad that I don't have to use a variable I haven't used yet generate the plot. Otherwise, I might have to write Module[{x}, Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}]] just to quickly see what it looks like.

So those are two cases, one in which no held arguments seems convenient to me, and one in which holding arguments is convenient. You may find sometimes that which way is more convenient, HoldAll or no HoldAll, has reasons for both sides. Well, I guess the developers had to make a choice one way or the other.

There are other reasons held arguments are important, but I think the criterion of whether or not the variable gets evaluated in the output explains the several cases you brought up.

About your first point c): Yes, HoldAll mean all arguments are held, including options. However, options are usually evaluated inside the function (multiple times). Example: Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}, Method -> {"Foo" -> 1/0}] versus Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}, Evaluate[Method -> {"Foo" -> 1/0}]]. (You can specify almost any nonsense for Method, and Plot just ignores it.)

About your second point c): I didn't understand. I guess it was from class.

P.S. Plot has an old option that has disappeared from the documentation but still exists. I suppose it may go away someday. Recall that x = 4; Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 3}] would fail if the arguments were evaluated. So how can you plot D[x^2, x] in such a case?:

x = 4; Plot[D[x^2, x], {x, 0, 3}, Evaluated -> True] (* succeeds :) *)
x = 4; Plot[Evaluate[D[x^2, x]], {x, 0, 3}]          (* FAILS! *)

Plot creates an environment for evaluating the first argument in which any previous value of x is temporarily cleared, and it can substitute its own values to construct the plot. With Evaluated -> True, Plot evaluates the expression after it has created the environment in which x is cleared, and substitutes values into it to construct the plot.

POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

The plot has the negative signs and it doesn't look glitchy to me. See the screen shot. I do agree with you that the -2 is not correct. It should be -1. Thank you for pointing this out.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Thanks for your comments. I agree with you that the description of that plot could be more informative than simply, "The odd degree functions are odd and the even degree functions are even." I will let the developer of the course know about that so they can improve that description.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

You sometimes need to use Evaluate when using functions that have the HoldAll attribute. Functions like Plot have the HoldAll attribute.

In[1]:= Attributes[Plot]
Out[1]= {HoldAll, Protected, ReadProtected}

The HoldAll attributes specifies that all arguments to a function are to be maintained in an unevaluated form. This leaves something like D[x^2, x] unevaluated, which gives the errors. You need to use the Evaluate function to override the HoldAll attribute and get D[x^2,x] to evaluate to 2*x so that the Plot function is able to plot the derivative.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

The choice of the winner will be primarily based on performance/contribution to the Study Group.

POSTED BY: Devendra Kapadia

The c is a general constant used in the Wolfram Language when the solution to an equation, differential equation, integral, etc involves an arbitrary constant. You can see examples of where these constants come up in the following documentation page.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

There are more sophisticated notions of limit than what is covered in introductory calculus. Limit may return an interval when the option Method -> {"AllowIndeterminateOutput" -> False} specified. This option was introduced around version 13, I think. I surmise the intention was to make Limit[] behave as it is taught in first-year calculus and make the more sophisticated answer optionally available. One can think of the interval as a refinement of the notion of indeterminacy or nonexistence.

For instance:

Limit[Sin[x], x -> \[Infinity], 
 Method -> {"AllowIndeterminateOutput" -> False}]
(*  Interval[{-1, 1}]  *)

The documentation used to read, "Limit[] returns Interval objects to represent ranges of possible values." That is, function values not different possible limits. When an interval is returned, it means Mathematica could prove the limit does not exist. The current documentation clarifies this somewhat: "If an Interval is returned, there are no guarantees that this is the smallest possible interval." What this means is that Limit[] uses (relatively) fast heuristics to bound the values of the function as $x \rightarrow c$. For instance:

Limit[Sin[x] + Sin[x]^2, x -> \[Infinity],
 Method -> {"AllowIndeterminateOutput" -> False}]
(*  Interval[{-1, 2}]  *)

But the actual range of the function is $[-{1\over4},2]$. In version 11.2, MinLimit[] and MaxLimit[] were introduced to provide an easy way to ask Mathematica to compute the lower and upper limits more rigorously:

MinLimit[Sin[x] + Sin[x]^2, x -> \[Infinity]]
(*  -(1/4)  *)

I think I'll stop here, since I believe this topic probably goes beyond the scope of the course. If you want to know more, you can start with this Wikipedia article:

POSTED BY: Michael Rogers


While @Luke Titus's math is impeccable, as usual, I'm with you about "replace" sounding weird. Consider ${d \over dx} \cos(y)$, where $y$ is to be considered an implicit function of $x$. Now let's treat $\cos(y)$ as its own expression and replace $y$ by $dy/dx$. What do we get?:

$$ a)\ \ \cos\left({dy \over dx}\right) \quad b)\ \ {-}\sin\left({dy \over dx}\right) \quad c)\ \ {-}\sin(y) \cdot {dy \over dx}$$

Both a) and b) replace $y$ by $dy/dx$. Of course, c) is the correct answer, but $dy/dx$ is not replacing anything. A new factor is being inserted (as is required by the Chain Rule).

So, yes, I think they should make a note to consider revising this description for the next edition.

POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

Thank you, Phil, for your very positive review comments and excellent suggestions regarding the E-book.

We appreciate them very much!

POSTED BY: Devendra Kapadia
Posted 6 months ago

Hi Phil:

Thank you so much for the thoughtful answer. And I always welcome a Shakespeare antecdote especially to help alleviate the early anxieties of the learning process. The materials are great so far and I will be working through which set-up is most optimal for me. Thanks again for your helpful insights!

peace, S

POSTED BY: Sahra Ali
Posted 6 months ago

@Devendra Kapadia It's very nice to hear you speak so highly of your colleagues!

POSTED BY: Henry Ward
Posted 6 months ago

Single output means you can write f[x] for each x in the domain.

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

Oh my, look what I found: Multivalued Function

As John/Devendra noted in the first chapter of this book/course, Calculus is a tool designed to solve four main problems: the tangent to a line, the area under a curve, finding velocity of a mass (given its position or its acceleration), and optimizing processes by finding a function's maxima and minima. Single-valued functions are what's needed to solve these kinds of problems. Other tools are used to solve different problems.

MathWorld is a fantastic encyclopedia of a vast number of math/science concepts -- a great find. MathWorld entries are not limited to calculus.

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt

As far as I'm aware, you can use "TeX" or "LaTeX" interchangeably. I didn't see anything on the documentation pages for those two formats that describes any major difference.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

If you evaluate

In[1]:= $ImportFormats
Out[1]= {"3DS", "7z", "AC", "ACO", "Affymetrix", "AgilentMicroarray", \
"AIFF", "ApacheLog", "ArcGRID", "ASC", "ASE", "AU", "AVI", "Base64", \
"BDF", "Binary", "BioImageFormat", "Bit", "BLEND", "BMP", "BREP", \
"BSON", "Byte", "BYU", "BZIP2", "CDED", "CDF", "CDX", "CDXML", \
"Character16", "Character32", "Character8", "CIF", "CML", \
"Complex128", "Complex256", "Complex64", "CSV", "Cube", "CUR", "DAE", \
"DBF", "DICOM", "DICOMDIR", "DIF", "DIMACS", "Directory", "DOCX", \
"DOT", "DTA", "DXF", "EDF", "EML", "EPS", "ExpressionJSON", \
"ExpressionML", "FASTA", "FASTQ", "FBX", "FCHK", "FCS", "FITS", \
"FLAC", "FLV", "GaussianLog", "GenBank", "GeoJSON", "GeoTIFF", "GIF", \
"GLTF", "GPX", "Graph6", "Graphlet", "GraphML", "GRIB", "GTOPO30", \
"GXF", "GXL", "GZIP", "HarwellBoeing", "HDF", "HDF5", "HEIF", "HIN", \
"HTML", "HTTPRequest", "HTTPResponse", "ICC", "ICNS", "ICO", "ICS", \
"IFC", "IGES", "Ini", "Integer128", "Integer16", "Integer24", \
"Integer32", "Integer64", "Integer8", "ISO", "JavaProperties", \
"JavaScriptExpression", "JCAMP-DX", "JPEG", "JPEG2000", "JSON", \
"JSONLD", "JVX", "KML", "LaTeX", "LEDA", "List", "LWO", "LXO", "MAT", \
"MathML", "Matroska", "MBOX", "MCTT", "MDB", "MESH", "MGF", "MIDI", \
"MMCIF", "MO", "MOBI", "MOL", "MOL2", "MP3", "MP4", "MPS", "MS3D", \
"MTP", "MTX", "MX", "MXNet", "NASACDF", "NB", "NDK", "NetCDF", \
"NEXUS", "NOFF", "NQuads", "NTriples", "OBJ", "ODS", "OFF", "Ogg", \
"ONNX", "OpenEXR", "OSM", "OWLFunctional", "Pajek", "PBM", "PCAP", \
"PCX", "PDB", "PDF", "PEM", "PGM", "PHPIni", "PLY", "PNG", "PNM", \
"POR", "PPM", "PXR", "PythonExpression", "QuickTime", "RAR", "Raw", \
"RawBitmap", "RawJSON", "RData", "RDFXML", "RDS", "Real128", \
"Real32", "Real64", "RIB", "RLE", "RSS", "RTF", "SAS7BDAT", "SAV", \
"SCT", "SDF", "SDTS", "SDTSDEM", "SFF", "SHP", "SMA", "SME", \
"SMILES", "SND", "SP3", "SPARQLQuery", "SPARQLResultsJSON", \
"SPARQLResultsXML", "SPARQLUpdate", "Sparse6", "STEP", "STL", \
"String", "SurferGrid", "SVG", "SXC", "Table", "TAR", \
"TerminatedString", "TeX", "Text", "TGA", "TGF", "TIFF", "TIGER", \
"TLE", "TriG", "TSV", "Turtle", "UBJSON", "UnsignedInteger128", \
"UnsignedInteger16", "UnsignedInteger24", "UnsignedInteger32", \
"UnsignedInteger64", "UnsignedInteger8", "USD", "USGSDEM", "UUE", \
"VCF", "VCS", "VideoFormat", "VTK", "WARC", "WAV", "Wave64", "WDX", \
"WebP", "WL", "WLNet", "WMLF", "WXF", "X3D", "XBM", "XGL", "XHTML", \
"XHTMLMathML", "XLS", "XLSX", "XML", "XPORT", "XYZ", "ZIP", "ZSTD"}

you'll see that both LaTeX and TeX are accepted import formats, which is why both can be used when importing.

However, if you evaluate

In[2]:= $ExportFormats
Out[2]= {"3DS", "AC", "ACO", "AIFF", "ASE", "AU", "AVI", "Base64", \
"Binary", "Bit", "BLEND", "BMP", "BREP", "BSON", "Byte", "BYU", \
"BZIP2", "C", "CDF", "CDXML", "Character16", "Character32", \
"Character8", "CML", "Complex128", "Complex256", "Complex64", "CSV", \
"Cube", "CUR", "DAE", "DICOM", "DIF", "DIMACS", "DOT", "DTA", "DXF", \
"EPS", "ExpressionJSON", "ExpressionML", "FASTA", "FASTQ", "FBX", \
"FCS", "FITS", "FLAC", "FLV", "FMU", "GeoJSON", "GIF", "GLTF", \
"Graph6", "Graphlet", "GraphML", "GXL", "GZIP", "HarwellBoeing", \
"HDF", "HDF5", "HIN", "HTML", "HTMLFragment", "HTTPRequest", \
"HTTPResponse", "ICNS", "ICO", "IFC", "IGES", "Ini", "Integer128", \
"Integer16", "Integer24", "Integer32", "Integer64", "Integer8", \
"ISO", "JavaProperties", "JavaScriptExpression", "JPEG", "JPEG2000", \
"JSON", "JSONLD", "JVX", "KML", "LEDA", "List", "LWO", "LXO", "MAT", \
"MathML", "Matroska", "Maya", "MCTT", "MGF", "MIDI", "MO", "MOL", \
"MOL2", "MP3", "MP4", "MS3D", "MTX", "MX", "MXNet", "NASACDF", "NB", \
"NetCDF", "NEXUS", "NOFF", "NQuads", "NTriples", "OBJ", "OFF", "Ogg", \
"ONNX", "OpenEXR", "OWLFunctional", "Pajek", "PBM", "PCX", "PDB", \
"PDF", "PGM", "PHPIni", "PLY", "PNG", "PNM", "POR", "POV", "PPM", \
"PXR", "PythonExpression", "QuickTime", "RawBitmap", "RawJSON", \
"RDFXML", "Real128", "Real32", "Real64", "RIB", "RLE", "RTF", \
"SAS7BDAT", "SAV", "SCT", "SDF", "SMA", "SMILES", "SND", \
"SPARQLQuery", "SPARQLResultsJSON", "SPARQLResultsXML", \
"SPARQLUpdate", "Sparse6", "STEP", "STL", "String", "SurferGrid", \
"SVG", "Table", "TAR", "TerminatedString", "TeX", "TeXFragment", \
"Text", "TGA", "TGF", "TIFF", "TriG", "TSV", "Turtle", "UBJSON", \
"UnsignedInteger128", "UnsignedInteger16", "UnsignedInteger24", \
"UnsignedInteger32", "UnsignedInteger64", "UnsignedInteger8", "USD", \
"UUE", "VideoFrames", "VRML", "VTK", "WAV", "Wave64", "WDX", "WebP", \
"WL", "WLNet", "WMLF", "WXF", "X3D", "XBM", "XGL", "XHTML", \
"XHTMLMathML", "XLS", "XLSX", "XML", "XPORT", "XYZ", "ZIP", "ZPR", \

you'll see that only TeX is accepted as an export format, which is why the export to LaTeX failed. LaTeX builds on TeX and abstracts much of the complexity of TeX. Since LaTeX builds on TeX, they can sometimes be interchanged when importing, but exporting to TeX can only be done because it is a low-level typesetting format.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

It won't draw the point automatically to indicate there is a point missing from the graph, but you can include that by using ExclusionsStyle. For example.

g[x_] := Piecewise[{{-0.75, x == -1}}, (x + 1)/(x^2 - 1)]
Plot[g[x], {x, -2, 0}, GridLines -> {{-1}, {-1/2}}, 
 ExclusionsStyle -> {Automatic, Directive[Red, PointSize[0.02]]}]
POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

After this course what is the next course to take? Tensors?

POSTED BY: Updating Name

We offer a number of mathematics courses that can be found in the link below. The "Introduction to Multivariable Calculus" might be a good next course to take.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Thank you very much for answering the question, Tingting. I agree with everything you said.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

THANK YOU, Tingting and Luke.

POSTED BY: Soomi Cheong
Posted 6 months ago

I had something similar on my mind. I think it depends on what problem you want to solve, or which path you want to go forward. The path that led me here was to try to understand physics better. Again, it might be different for others who want to study pure maths. I follow a YouTuber called Zach Star and I think this video may help to give a general idea of what courses are needed for different majors.

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao

Hi Tingting. Thank you for pointing this out. I agree with you that in the text, it should say to plug in 2, not 3. Then, the point slope form y-yo=m(x-xo) with yo=1/4, m=-1/8 and xo=2 should be used. I'll let the developers of the course know about that. Thank you.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Actually, the point should be (2,1/2) and not (2,1/4) since the curve goes through the line at (2,1/2).

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

That's a good question. I believe that has to do with the subtlety of calculating cube roots, and how it can sometimes return a result that goes into the complex plane. For example:

In[1]:= N[(-1)^(1/3)]
Out[1]= 0.5 + 0.866025 I

ComplexInfinity represents an infinite quantity, but undetermined complex phase. So approaching the limit from one direction seems to be purely real, so you just get Infinity. However, approaching the limit from the other direction moves into the complex plane due to the root being returned, so the limit picks up a complex phase, which causes ComplexInfinity to be returned.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

@Tingting Zhao , you need to put a space between the "x" and "Tan" when computing the derivative:

D[2x Tan[x],x] will give you the right answer. Better yet, I recommend explicitly putting in a times operator: D[2x*Tan[x],x]

Without the space, Mathematica is trying to take the derivative of "xTan". It doesn't know how to do that, so it just leaves the symbol unevaluated. Mathematica guesses that "2x" actually means "2 times x", but it can't do the same when a bunch of letters are jammed together.

When in doubt, you can always do FullForm[] of an expression to see how Mathematica is evaluating that expression: FullForm[2xTan[x]]

BTW, this is an excellent post. It instructs the rest of us off of our a.. doing the quizzes. Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't started...

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt
Posted 6 months ago

Hi Phil! Wow, I left a blank space between 2x and Tan[x] and it worked like magic! You are a wizard! I think this is the kind of feedback Devendra is looking for. See ya tmw! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Thank you! Got it!

POSTED BY: John P Clark

Hi Luke,

I think the complex Power is the right idea, but it's Limit that senses it when h is negative ("FromBelow") and corrects the limit to a real, positive infinity (DirectedInfinity[1]) in the Piecewise result it returns. However, Limit does not sense the issue when h is positive ("FromAbove"). The resulting piecewise function does not have a special case for x == 10, and we get 1/0 when 10 is substituted for x.

Maybe Limit could do a little better here, but that's a question for the developers.

Here's a way to get a better result. We'll compute the limit for each of the three cases x < 10, x > 10, and x == 10. And then wrap them up in Piecewise.

{Limit[DifferenceQuotient[f[x], {x, h}], h -> 0, 
      Direction -> "FromAbove", Assumptions -> #], #} & /@
   {x < 10, x > 10, x == 10} // Piecewise // PiecewiseExpand

  {1/(3*( 10 - x)^(2/3)), x < 10}, 
  {1/(3*(-10 + x)^(2/3)), x > 10}},
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers
Posted 6 months ago

I've become fond of asking such questions to ChatGPT (in a web browser or in the app). It's pretty clever about the Wolfram Language most of the time. It feels safe to ask questions there, and you get an immediately response. Unfortunately, ChatGPT failed the answer to this question correctly. Whenever it boffs a question, I correct it. I can't quite tell if it ever gets any smarter.

I am hardly a wizard. I have learned to try a few tricks to try when things are fouled up. Asking an AI is one of those. If you want a real magician, take a Wolfram U class with Wolfram instructor Arben Kalziqi. For this course, the stuff we saw about needing to use an Evaluate in some Plot calls was really useful. Luke should go over that in some detail on Friday. The answer to the question is in the documentation entry for Plot[], but you have to dive into the little detail-tabs to find it.

Googling on questions works well, especially if you include "wolfram" in your search. It's actually really useful that WR moved from using the name "mathematica" to "wolfram language" because the word "wolfram" gets very few hits outside of the context of this software. Adding the keyword "wolfram" to searches and asking questions to the AIs (while adding "wolfram language") is also a good way to learn.

I also highly recommend the "Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language" (EIWL) course after you complete this course. It gives you a great breadth of knowledge about the WL. One of the delights of that course is pondering how it grades exercises. That automated grading engine is a #!$$ work of art, and it's all implemented in the Wolfram Language. You feed it code fragments, and it tells you if your code would generate the correct result. The hard part of that is if you write your answer in a non-traditional fashion, the engine still has to figure out that you did it correctly. And you can't do something dumb like explicitly typing in the answer expression; your code must generate the correct response. It almost always grades the examples right -- even if you try to trick it. Magic!

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt

Thank you so much for your responses and activity in this discussion, Tingting!

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

That looks good to me. Nice job with seeing a geometrical way to solve the problem. Sometimes those are the best way to solve a problem.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

Submitting my feedback after today's session (August 20) didn't seem to work. That's never happened before. Perhaps I exceeded my quota for comments. cc @Cassidy Hinkle in case you didn't get many (any?) feedback messages at the end of the BigMarker session. I copied my responses from that window and will submit them here:

How would you rate today’s session on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) stars?

5 stars.

What questions would you like covered during any available review time in upcoming sessions?

When Luke was going through the chain rule, he was doing work "by hand". It looks like he had prepared those notes beforehand and was copying/pasting them from another Wolfram Language window into the BigMarker display window. I hadn't seen that done before (or I wasn't aware when someone was doing it). It seems really valuable sometimes to make notes using Wolfram notation sans calculation -- that looks like a great way to perform the exercises. Can Luke show us the mechanics of doing that during the review on Friday? Dumb question: does he ever have Mathematica then evaluate the expressions he has worked through "by hand".

Can you walk through a new example of applying the chain rule by first doing the completely abstract D[f[g[x]],x] and then doing a ReplaceAll with specific functions for f and g? It doesn't have to be a complicated function (functions), I just want to see those steps.

What's on your mind? Share your suggestions and comments.

We don't have the option of clicking on emojis during the BigMarker session (as I've seen in other DSGs). That's nice for participating during Aha! moments. Can you turn them on?

Can we launch a Kickstarter to get Luke a wind screen? :) It's a little bit odd to hear the heavy breathing when we are sweating out a poll question. Otherwise, all is excellent with Luke's voice, pacing, etc.

This was a great session. It's one of the few that I will replay and pause frequently. I think Chain Rule is about the point where I lost all my confidence in calculus, and it's not so bad this time around. So much needless suffering! It's really brutal to attempt to go through a course on Differential Equations if you are not completely comfortable with the chain rule. There's a limit of what you can wing without being fully aware of how to break down the problem. Thank you for this session, and thanks for how you broke down the exercises. I really like your practice of drafting unevaluated Mathematica expressions "by hand". Brilliant.

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt
Posted 6 months ago

Section 3, 12 | Implicit Differentiation, Implicit Differentiation:

I don't know, is it just me or does it sound weird to use the word "replace"? I think append dy/dx or y' to y sounds more accurate. If we keep the word "replace" then I think we should use the expression y[x] instead, what do you guys think?


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao

Thanks for pointing that out, Tingting. I'll let the developers know.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

It looks like g[x] is used to show that f[x] is a composition of the functions g[h[x]]. It is a little redundant since they could have just used to f[x] function, but I think the g and h functions are introduced just for illustration purposes.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Thanks for your comments, Phil. I'll try to include some of your questions into the review on Friday. I'll also try to remember to mute myself during the poll questions so you don't have to hear me breathing. I've always wondered how that sounded on the other end.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

I think this is the point they are trying to make. Consider an equation defined as eqn=x+y where y depends implicitly on x. If you try to take the derivative of the equation D[eqn,x] you get 1+dy/dx. If y did not depend on x, then D[eqn,x] would equal just 1, since the dy/dx = 0 if y does not depend on x. Therefore, if y depends implicitly on x, upon differentiation, you replace y with dy/dx when taking the derivative.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

That's a wonderful downloadable E-book, Devendra. It runs perfectly with the Wolfram Player App on my MacBook. I loved how you were able to have the E-book dynamically load each of the chapters from their separate WL Notebooks. I plan to have the E-book open on my laptop and the interactive course framework on a desktop computer.

Apple promised high interactivity with their Apple Books about 10 years ago; they never delivered on that promise. This Wolfram E-book delivers. It's great to be able to run through the computational demonstrations embedded in the text. This seems a vastly superior method of accessing demonstrations than Wolfram's demonstration project. I fondly wish that we could have a few dozen Wolfram-driven science E-books in the next year. I'm guessing your text looks just as pretty running on an iPad. I'll try that in the next few days.

It might be good to announce to students they have the option of viewing/interacting with the E-book through the [free] Wolfram Player on the first day of class and include a link to the Wolfram Player in the registration materials. Besides helping students, that could also help broaden the reach of your book when students in the course tell their friends/associates about the book -- with or without the accompanying the Wolfram U online course.

Brilliant book. Thank you.

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt
Posted 6 months ago

Hi there! Thank you for hosting this free course.

I am excited to start this course on Monday and just had some questions to get me prepped. I downloaded both the e-book and the Wolfram app player which enables me to see the lessons in the book. I signed in on the Wolfram cloud and am able to view the sections. I also signed up for a free trial of Mathematica and did some brief tutorials. My question is where do we will be doing the practice and exercise, essentially writing the math problems, will it be on the cloud or Mathematica, or elsewhere? I want to make sure I have a checklist complete for what I need to begin the course.

I signed up for the class last week and am currently taking it in tandem with a Full Stack Dev bootcamp course that I am halfway through. I have not taken Calculus since college and need to brush up on math for impending grad school so I am grateful you are all offering this.

Thank you in advance!

peace, Sahra

POSTED BY: Sahra Ali
Posted 6 months ago

Hi, Sahra. Using Devendra's term, I'm a fellow learner in the course. This course uses the Wolfram Interactive Online Video Course Introduction to Calculus. That framework includes a set of recorded video lectures, lecture transcripts, a copy of the e-book, a group of exercises for the chapter, and a scratch area where you can type and evaluate Wolfram Language expressions.

You can use the framework's scratch area to work through each chapter's exercises. Alternatively, you can fire up the app Mathematica and work through the exercises there. All of the exercises should run fine either place. The advantage of running Mathematica on your local computer is that you can save your work from the exercises. The choice is a personal preference: you can run Wolfram Language code on your computer or in the cloud -- and you can switch whenever you like. There are many ways to view/interact with the course material; the trick is to use the one that makes the most sense to you.

I personally like to access the e-book in a separate computer window. Some students may prefer to use a printed copy of the book. Some may just like to access the book through the course framework. Some people may not even directly read the e-book; they prefer to soak in the course content through the video lectures. So many choices! There are no right answers.

Since you have the Mathematica Free Trial, you don't really need the separate Wolfram Player app. Devendra's e-book should play perfectly in either one. If you've got everything running fine, I wouldn't change anything at this point.

All of the setup is a bit of a distraction. The important thing is to be ready where you can focus on the course. The preliminary chaos reminds me a bit of my favorite snippet from Shakespeare in Love:

Philip Henslowe: Mr. Fennyman, allow me to explain about the theatre business. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.

Hugh Fennyman: So what do we do?

Philip Henslowe: Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well.

Hugh Fennyman: How?

Philip Henslowe: I don't know. It's a mystery.

Have fun watching and learning in the theater of this course!

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt
Posted 6 months ago

I understand the vertical rule for checking if a graph is a function. However, why such a definition though? If you have x = y^2, it is not a function, but if you exchange the coordinates or rotate the curve 45 degrees, you will have a function. I know functions are a subset of equations but what's so special about having a single output?

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Mathematics is often written in (La)TeX. I was curious if there is a difference between importing with Import[...] a TEX file into a Mathematica notebook as "TeX" or "LaTeX" format. It seems that there is no difference. Checked with a new Diff[...,...] function. I attach the original tex file (shortened to avoid getting $Failed ).

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

I can do so by switching the coordinates or rotating the graph, I don't need a function

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Oh my, look what I found: Multivalued Function

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

The screenshot below is from the book text 4 The Limit of a Function: Rational Function with a Removable Discontinuity. It seems the negative sign on the x-axis did not show and I think the function approaches −0.5 as x approaches -1. Also, is the curve not drawn as a vector? It looks glitchy.


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

The screenshot below is from the book text 4 The Limit of a Function: Piecewise Function.

I talked to Sergio about the removable discontinuity of this graph. I don't think Sergio understood what I was getting at so I thought I would mention it here again:

The function still approaches −0.5 as x approaches −1.

By normal graphing standards, there should be a circle where x approaches -1 and the point moves from -0.5 to -0.75. But as I understand it, the limit is still on the curve and is -0.5. So my question is, should there be a circle to hollow out this point on the curve, or not? . P.S. I don't see any circle where there should be one. Is it because:

  • there shouldn't be a circle
  • it was missed by error
  • Wolfram can not render circles on a graph?

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

The screenshot below is from book text, The Elementary Functions: Power Functions.

I think the last line should be better defined as the even degree functions are mirror symmetrical or it's range is [0, ∞)


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

On the other hand, when exporting, there is a difference. "TeX" is accepted as a format (and the exported code compiles in LaTeX to something resembling the original code in LaTeX), while "LaTeX" is not accepted as a format. Why these are two names that are sometimes equivalent and sometimes not?

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

Thank you Luke! You are a diamond! Such a friendly, helpful and open-minded teacher! I feel so lucky! Stephen, give him a promotion!

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Thank you! You are the best! I recommend the course team put the exclusion points where are needed to reduce confusion and increase accuracy.

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

I'm sorry! I use a very old laptop, I thought it was my basic graphics card that failed to render but I changed from Chrome to Firefox and it displayed fine, is it Chrome then? Does anyone else have the same experience with the Chrome browser?

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

What is the logic of those choices? Notice that the output file of Export is a LaTeX file like this:


So it is a LaTeX file. Why the export format is called "TeX", not "LaTeX"?

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

I've noticed that the examples are not live in the Book tab of the framework of this course. At the start of Chapter 2, the clock does not move and the orbiting planet is still.

I fired up the Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language (EIWL) course framework. The examples in the Book tab of the framework seem to be working fine (both frameworks running Safari on a M1 MacBook Pro).

@Luke Titus, do you see the same thing? I noticed when you were showing us the Chapter 2 from the framework on Monday that the examples were not live.

POSTED BY: Phil Earnhardt
Posted 6 months ago

The Laws of Limits; Continuity

Thursday, August 15, 2024 · 11:00 a.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)

-> Poll Question 2.1

Choose the correct statement regarding limit and continuity of the function x/Sin[x] at x = 0.

a. Limit at x = 0 exists.

b. The function is continuous only from the left.

c. The function is continuous only from the right.

d. The function is continuous.

=> enter image description here As the "Plot[x/Sin[x], {x, -1, 1}] " shows, I understand that "Limit at x = 0 exists." Thus, the answer is "a. Limit at x = 0 exists."

enter image description here I also understand that the output of "x / Sin[x] /. x -> 0" is "Indeterminate."

-> However,

my understanding of today's lecture was that;

the output of "Plot[x/Sin[x], {x, -1, 1}] " should be the same as

the output of "x / Sin[x] /. x -> 0"


Would you help me understand the discrepancy?

THANK YOU for your consideration of my question, Luke. I am very grateful to you and Wolfram for teaching us the Calculus from the basic, one by one.

POSTED BY: Soomi Cheong
Posted 6 months ago

Hi Soomi,

I hope you don't mind that I have a go in answering your question. This function is discontinuous because x can not be 0, if x = 0, then Sin[x] = 0. But as a denominator, it can not be 0. Therefore, as a function, it does not have a f(x) value at 0. However, this function does have a limit when x -> 0, which is 1. You can see it from the graph where x = 0, it has a global minimum or you can verify this by using Limit[x/Sin[x], x->0].

The discrepancy came from you trying to match an undetermined function value to the graph at x = 0(the graph should really have an exclusion circle at this point, which would actually match the undetermined value). What should be matching is not the value of the function but the limit of the function at this point. Sometimes certain points may not have values or have values at other points parallel to the y-axis away from the curve but they do have limits and the limits we derive match the points on the curve.

The reason why we use Limit x -> 0 but not = 0, is to try to get as close as possible to 0 within the defined domain, but when x reaches the point x = 0, the value disappears due to being out of the defined domain. If this point is still within the domain, we can just plug in the value x but we can't due to the fraction can not have a 0 denominator.

I hope this helps! I attached a couple of screenshots from the book text.



POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Almost all may be computed using Mathematica! And functions in Wolfram Language are intuitive and natural. But to use those functions effectively, one needs to know the OPTIONS. I am going to learn those options attached below.

Or, maybe, somebody has more options for me?

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz

I can't comment on the developer's decisions when making that. I would suggest exporting only to formats are supported export formats. You can refer to the section labeled Export in the following documentation page to see details about that export format.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

Those examples don't appear to be live for me either. If you scroll to the very bottom of the "Book Text" tab you can find a link to download the notebook. Those examples do work in the downloaded notebook.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus

I think that's a great list. If you look in the Details and Options section of the documentation page for functions like Limit, Plot, or other related functions relevant for Calculus, you will find a complete listing of the options available for that function. Each documentation also has an "Options" section under the Examples section which provides examples of how to use each of the options.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

You are very welcome!

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

I'm previewing Section 2: 7 | Derivatives and Rates of Change.

I have questions about Exercise 2. The left side of the slope form like this at point (2,1/4) should be y-1/4, yes?

The screenshot is attached below:


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

In Section 2, 8 | The Derivative as a Function, Exercise 3—One-Sided Derivatives:

The derivative from below is infinity but from above is complex infinity, what is the difference and what caused the difference?


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

When plotting the derivative of a function, something counter-intuitive happens. Plot does not evaluate its argument. Is Mathematica too tired of doing two things at the same time? Only using Evaluate makes the correct picture. Without it, we get errors.

[Two first pictures give wrong answers. Only the third is correct.]

Could you explain what happens? How to determine if Evaluate is necessary?

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

You are absolutely right! Good catch! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Fascinating! This is what keeps me up at night! I think as I learn more from the other courses, such as Complex Analysis soon, I will fully understand the subtlety of this one day. Thank you Luke!

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

I tested in Notebook, and they yield the same answers from either side, so it can't tell, maybe Mathematica can but I'm not using it. :P

I also suspect the ComplexInfinity is from below not above, but I don't know enough to be sure. ^_^


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Where do I find the quizzes that are due by Sept 6 as well as the final exam? I need a link. The email links are useless.

POSTED BY: John P Clark
Posted 6 months ago

All the quizzes and the final exam are on the course page. The study group ends on September 6th but there's no due date on the quizzes or the exam, you can get the Completion Certificate and Level 1 Certification anytime you finish the required tasks.

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

How can I type an exponent? e.g., x^2

POSTED BY: Soomi Cheong
Posted 6 months ago

use shift+6, tell me if it worked :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

I'm doing a little preview. In Section 3, 11 | The Chain Rule, Exercise 5—Simple Harmonic Motion:

I understand that in order for s(t) = A, cos(ωt+δ)=1.

I'm a little confused about the notation. Can someone explain to me what C1 is doing here? Is it Complex Number Set, Cycle 1 in Abstract Algebra, a constant, or a variable? Why not just use n ∈ Z instead of C1?

ωt + δ = 2nπ, t = (2nπ−δ)/ω, let n = 1, then t = (2π−δ)/ω ​


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Quiz 3, Problem 3:

When I used D, I still got a Tan'[x] in the result. I know how to do it by hand but is there a function that can get the clean answer from the options?


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

In lecture 12, Exercise 5, Implicit differentiation, I get (2 a b n^2 - a n^3 V + P V^3)/((b n - V) V^3). Why are the exponents of n reversed? I manually computed the derivative (without non-constants). I treated the right-hand side, nRT (derivative = 0), as a constant.

POSTED BY: John P Clark
Posted 6 months ago

I did it by hand, the official answer is correct.


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

You are very welcome! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Wow, which course does Arben Kalziqi teach? I would like to check it out!

btw, I agree checking with AI is a safe and non-judgmental place to learn. And like you, I don't fully trust them and always go through them by hand on my own to make sure. :D

Can't wait to see you guys in class soon! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Will the winner of the book be chosen at random?

Or will it be based on performance/contribution to the Study Group?

POSTED BY: Henry Ward
Posted 6 months ago

Limits can be an Interval? That doesn't count as Indeterminate?

POSTED BY: Henry Ward
Posted 6 months ago

Every limit lies on that interval, they are not the interval :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Sensei is back from India! Yippee! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Section 4, 14 | Related Rates, Book Text, Falling Ladder

I solved the problem with simple geometry, does this make sense to you guys?

  1. According to the Pythagorean theorem: we have 5 as hypotenuse, and one of the legs is 4, we know the other leg is going to be 3
  2. The sliding ladder forms two congruent angles.
  3. Since the two variables are related, their change ratio must be the same. Set sliding down ratio as x then 3x = 4*(0.5) -> x = 0.67

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao

You can also use ctrl+6 to enter exponents. In addition, if you go to the file menu Palettes -> Basic Math Assistant, you'll find many options for mathematical typesetting in the Wolfram Language.

POSTED BY: Luke Titus
Posted 6 months ago

You are welcome Luke! This is like a hobby, I have fun! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Cool, thanks Luke! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

You da best! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Interesting, never knew about all these nuances! Thanks, Mike!

Regarding the context of this question. We were discussing the cyclic nature of the trigonometric functions, taking their higher derivatives can lead to interesting patterns: "Sine", "Cosine", "-Sine", "-Cosine", and cycle back to "Sine", so the Limit here can be the value of the function or the limit of the function, they all lie on the same interval [-1,1].

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Problem Session 4, Problem 2

Just a typo error. The plus should be minus here.

think the intention was to write +(-4Ï€/180)


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Thank you Luke. But this provokes new questions:

a) why Plot and similar functions need HoldAll,

b) why Solve, DSolve and similar functions do not need HoldAll,

c) does HoldAll work also on options,

c) why pure functions have priority over named functions like D ?

POSTED BY: Artur R Piekosz
Posted 6 months ago

Section 3, 11 | The Chain Rule, Algebraic Function

Nothing wrong but the g[x] is redundant and creates confusion. f[x] = g[x] = Sqrt[x], we can then use g[x] = x^2 - 1, and save a h[x]. But if you guys feel this format is clear, feel free to ignore this post :D


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Hahahaha, Phil's hilarious! Ya, Luke sounds like Darth Vader and I was waiting for him to tell us he's our father! :D But I don't mind, I think it's endearing and I got used to it and hardly notice it now.

I think as long as we can understand Luke's calculations, whether he did it by hand is immaterial. If you saw his CV you would know the ability is definitely there. I don't know about you guys but for me, having Luke as a Senpai is overkill for sure.

Also, I think if he prepared materials for us it means he values our time. There's only one hour, we wouldn't want to go completely spontaneous and spend much time debugging, would we?

btw, I love emojis! It's a yes from me! :D

See ya on Thursday!

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Ah, of course! The difference between complete and partial differentiation! Now it makes complete sense! Thanks Luke! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Yes, after going through more learning materials, I realize it's a common occurrence. I had this idea of hierarchy in my mind like f->g->h, but now I see, they borrow more letters to show composition, and sometimes, f(x) is the innermost function. Thanks Luke! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

You are welcome! :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

It sounds best with Sith Ambient :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Hi gang,

I wrote some calculations on the Quiz page directly under the quiz question, there's no bracket on the right side to click on, how do I delete them?

I did this because the Scratch Notebook seems to have limited space and once I fill the page, I can't scroll it down for more space. Also, what I wrote on the Scratch Notebook gets carried to the following lessons so I have to delete them every time which is tedious.

But if I write right under the quiz questions, it seems I can extend the space as much as I want. But now I can't delete them when I make mistakes :(

btw, is there a way to mass delete without clicking those brackets? (Note: I'm a pleb, I don't use Mathematica so there are no fancy menu items to choose from, just the plain old browser)

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Section 5, 16 | Maxima and Minima, Business Example:

I understand we plug in the end numbers 0, 10000 and the critical number, but what does the [1,1,2] mean?


POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

My gmail has stopped updating Luke's replies to my posts but not others. Mmmm. I wonder what it's doing under the hood. Jealousy and sabotage protocol triggered, lol. The mail sorting A.I. needs some reeducation :D

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
Posted 6 months ago

Great minds think alike! Highfive Mike! :D

Wow, associated professor of Mathematics! Respect!

Are you the gigachad that teaches Multivariable Calculus here at Wolfram U? That's where I'm heading next after this course!

POSTED BY: Tingting Zhao
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