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Make e at home with rolling dice

Posted 15 days ago


POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang
5 Replies
Posted 14 days ago

What an interesting problem with intuitive simulation and traceable proof ! I found it's the perfect example to teach my kids some math.

Shenghui, Good job!

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu

I am glad you find it interesting and joyful!

POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang
Posted 13 days ago

My daughters, as middle school students, first found the mathematical constant Pi interesting and memorized dozens of its digits. However, Pi is primarily associated with circles, angles, and rotations, and that's about it.

Later, I bought a book, e: The Story of a Number, for my daughters, and sometimes I would read it myself. In fact, e is a truly magical constant that does widely appear and frequently be used.

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu

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Result from Claude Opus

POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang
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