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My Wolfram | Alpha is blocked by internet connectivity problem, need help!!

Hi, Every time I tried to access Alpha function it always shows " An internet connection could not be established This feature requires access to Wolfram|Alpha servers. Please check your network. Maybe your firewall program or set a proxy in the internet connectivity tab of the Preferences dialog". My computer is Macbook Pro, and my firewall is closed, anyone can help me with this problem? Thanks a lot !


POSTED BY: honglong chen
3 Replies

Please contact support ( and include the output from evaluating $ActivationKey. In some cases access is automatically blocked when the WolframAlpha request rates are too high.

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

Dear Mr. Buzing, yes, I'm using Mathematica and its Alpha function. Using math function is no problem; yet when I use free form function like" plot sin(x)", or Alpha function like " population of the world", it responded "Request denied by Wolfram/Alpha server (3004)"

I'm able to access. website; yet in my computer it shows the above denied message whenever I use Alpha function. Thank you for your help.


POSTED BY: honglong chen

Can you be more specific?

Are you using Mathematica and its WolframAlpha function?

What do you mean with 'my firewall is closed'? Can you access the internet in general (i.e.

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
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