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Fitting data to a square wave

I have a question about the attached MM notebook (just a few lines). I'm trying to fit a lineout through the digital image of a line pair gauge to a square wave. FindFit appears to fit the mean value (b) and at least takes a stab at fitting the amplitude (a); however, it seems to make no attempt to fit the offset on the x axis (x0). Why not? What am I missing?

Also, I would like to get more detail on the fit parameters, in particular, the uncertainties, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get MM to dump that information. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

POSTED BY: James Hall
19 Replies
Posted 1 month ago

Knowledge of the data generation process is essential to get a good fit AND the "confidence" to trust predictions. You've mentioned limited resolution resulting in a "rolloff effect". That should be included in any modeling.

Maybe those issues result in departures from a square wave. So here is another parameterization of a trapezoidal wave. One feature is that one of the parameters (delta) is a measure of departure from a square wave. A delta value of zero results in a square wave. Below is a crude figure showing the parameterization for a single wave:

Image of a single wave

(* Trapezoidal wave function *)
f[x_?NumericQ, wavelength_?NumericQ, amplitude_?NumericQ, 
  phase_?NumericQ, base_?NumericQ, delta_?NumericQ] := Module[{s, y},
  s = Mod[x - phase, wavelength];
  If[s <= delta, y = base + amplitude s/delta,
   If[delta < s <= wavelength/2, y = base + amplitude,
    If[wavelength/2 < s <= wavelength/2 + delta, 
     y = base + amplitude (1 - (s - wavelength/2)/delta),
     y = base]]];

data = {{-6.25, 0.00219649}, {-5.75, 0.0291773}, {-5.25, 0.0428364}, {-4.75, 0.0418075},
   {-4.25, 0.0390189}, {-3.75, 0.0142977}, {-3.25, 0.000728449}, {-2.75, 0.000577218},
   {-2.25, 0.00314383}, {-1.75, 0.0275447}, {-1.25, 0.0428128}, {-0.75, 0.0433703},
   {-0.25, 0.0433703}, {0.25, 0.0403935}, {0.75, 0.0160277}, {1.25, 0.000686316},
   {1.75, 0.00036222}, {2.25, 0.00288114}, {2.75, 0.0256044}, {3.25, 0.0416728},
   {3.75, 0.0429419}, {4.25, 0.0396677}, {4.75, 0.0162309}};

nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, f[x, wavelength, amplitude, phase, base, delta],
   {{wavelength, 4}, {amplitude, 0.04}, {phase, 2}, {base, 0}, {delta, 0.5}}, x];

Show[ListPlot[data], Plot[nlm[x], {x, Min[data[[All, 1]]], Max[data[[All, 1]]]}]]

data and fit


parameter table

One can see that delta (the parameter characterizing the departure from a square wave) is highly significant (meaning it is significantly different from zero). While the underlying physical process might be a square wave, the measurement process does not result in a square wave and maybe a trapezoidal wave is a better approximation of the results from measurements.

You can compare all of models in the provided answers using nlm["AICc"]. This provides a relative ranking of the models from all of the answers here with the better models having smaller AICc values.

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 1 month ago

Thanks for such a detailed response, Jim. I'll give this a try.

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall


POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 1 month ago

Hi Mariusz,

I've played around with your suggested fit function and it seems to work pretty well in my application; however, I can't quite figure out how to use the fit parameters to derive the max and min of the curve. I need to know how to do that in order to use the standard errors in the parameters to determine the uncertainty the gauge modulation (mod = ((max-min)/(max+min)). Can you give me any insight as to how to do that? If so, please let me know.

Thanks much,


POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 1 month ago

Hi Jim, I'll take the liberty of answering for Marius.

His very useful model is

a Tanh[r Sin[k (x - x0)]]+b

Assuming a and r are chosen not negative. By inspection, it is at a maxima when the Sin function is at +1, where it has a value of

b + a Tanh[r]

and a minima where the Sin function is at -1, where it has a value of

b - a Tanh[r]

Just for fun, I did this by the usual method of derivatives. I attach the notebook.

POSTED BY: David Keith

It could be natural to use Haar wavelets... But the fit is not very good.

POSTED BY: Claude Mante
Posted 1 month ago

Given my previous comments, I wonder if your data was generated by a trapezoidal wave rather than a square wave.

data={{-6.25, 0.00219649}, {-5.75, 0.0291773}, {-5.25, 0.0428364}, {-4.75, 0.0418075}, 
  {-4.25, 0.0390189}, {-3.75, 0.0142977}, {-3.25, 0.000728449}, {-2.75, 0.000577218}, 
  {-2.25, 0.00314383}, {-1.75, 0.0275447}, {-1.25, 0.0428128}, {-0.75, 0.0433703}, 
  {-0.25, 0.0433703}, {0.25, 0.0403935}, {0.75, 0.0160277}, {1.25, 0.000686316}, 
  {1.75, 0.00036222}, {2.25, 0.00288114}, {2.75, 0.0256044}, {3.25, 0.0416728}, 
  {3.75, 0.0429419}, {4.25, 0.0396677}, {4.75, 0.0162309}};

nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data,
   (a/\[Pi])*(ArcSin[Sin[(\[Pi]/m) x + l]] + ArcCos[Cos[(\[Pi]/m) x + l]]) - a/2 + c,
   {{a, 0.04}, {m, 2}, {l, 3}, {c, 0.02}}, x];
Show[ListPlot[data], Plot[nlm[x], {x, Min[data[[All, 1]]], Max[data[[All, 1]]]}]]

Trapezoidal wave fit

The equation was lifted from Amrtanshu Raj 's answer at (Yes, a MATLAB site.)

POSTED BY: Drjbaldwin
Posted 1 month ago

This looks very promising! Thanks much! I'll give it a try.

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall
Posted 1 month ago

I'm curious as to how you created the simulated data. I ask because if you sampled a square wave from $x=-6.3$ to $x=4.8$ with a constant error variance over a cycles of a square wave, it would seem near impossible to get any of those 6 points in the middle of the figure (i.e., those points between $y=0.01$ and $y=0.03$).

In other words, those 6 points could be considered outliers and maybe given very little weight.

POSTED BY: Drjbaldwin
Posted 1 month ago

The data file is a scan through the simulated digital image of a rectangular line pair gauge. The detector has limited resolution, which is why the maxima show rolloff effects.

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall
Posted 1 month ago
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 1 month ago
POSTED BY: Jari Kirma
Posted 1 month ago

Hi James,

In the attached notebook, I first fit the data to a sine function, and then use the determined parameters as estimates for fitting to the square wave. I used NonlinearModelFit, which provides statistics on the fit.

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 1 month ago

Thanks, David. Using a Sin fit looks like a good way to define x0 and estimate starting values for a & b. There are several other techniques you included that I can make use of. I'm puzzled that the amplitude (a) turns out to be negative (not sure what that means), and I'm a bit surprised/disappointed that the fit value doesn't match the approximate max & min values of the data better than it does, because I would like to use this technique to estimate the gauge modulation ((max-min)/(max+min)).

Again, thanks much for your help - I really appreciate it.

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall
Posted 1 month ago

Hi James, The parameter a being negative is only a phase inversion, which would be compensated in the fit by a different value of x0. It can be forced positive by including a condition in the model like this:

sinFit = 
 NonlinearModelFit[LPGdata, {sineWave[x, a, x0, b], a > 0}, {a, x0, b},

I am also disappointed that the peaks are modeled poorly in the square wave fit. It is likely due to the midlevel values in the data. Stripping these out before the fit could improve the result. But data manipulation carries its own risks.

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 1 month ago

Quite so, David, and a subjective data analysis was precisely what I was hoping to avoid by doing this fit. Thanks again. - Jim

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall
Posted 1 month ago

Hi Jamesa, The attached notebook takes a perhaps too naïve approach. It does select data to be processed. It estimates the peaks using data with y values greater then 80% of the max, and the valleys using values less than 20% of the max.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: David Keith

NonlinearModelFit works better for this:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 1 month ago

Thanks for your input, Anton. I appreciate your help. Did this actually use x0 as a fit parameter? It look like it just set the value to 1.000... with 0 uncertainty.

POSTED BY: Jamesa Hall
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