Nice! I asked o-3-mini-high to do the same and enhance the sea creatures with rainbow colors. Here’s the code:
(*---Define the Sea Creature Functions---*)
(*First Sea Creature*)
a1[x_, y_, t_] := Module[{k, e, o, q, c, tanTerm}, k = x/4 - 12.5;
e = y/9 + 5;
o = Sqrt[k^2 + e^2]/9;
(*Protect against division by zero in Tan[1/k]*)
tanTerm = If[Abs[k] < 10^-6, Tan[1/(k + 10^-6)], Tan[1/k]];
q = x + 99 + tanTerm + o*k*((Cos[9*e]/4) + Cos[y/2])*Sin[4*o - t];
c = o*e/30 - t/8;
{q*0.7*Sin[c] + 9*Cos[y/19 + t] + 200, 200 + (q/2)*Cos[c]}];
(*Second Sea Creature*)
a2[x_, y_, t_] := Module[{k, e, o, q, c}, k = x/4 - 12.5;
e = y/9;
o = Sqrt[k^2 + e^2]/9;
(*Protect against division by zero in Cos[9/k]*)
q = x + 99 + Cos[9/(If[Abs[k] < 10^-6, k + 10^-6, k])] +
o*k*((Cos[9*e]/3) + (Cos[y/9]/0.7))*Sin[4*o - t];
c = o*e/30 - t/8;
{q*0.7*Sin[c] + 200, 200 + y/9*Cos[4*c - t/2] - (q/2)*Cos[c]}];
(*---Create a List of Frames for the Animation---*)
(*Adjust the number of frames and step size as desired.\
Here t runs from 0 to 16\[Pi] in 101 steps.*)
frames =
Graphics[{(*First Sea Creature:20,000 points with rainbow hues*)
Table[{Hue[i/20000, 1, 1], Opacity[0.3], PointSize[0.0025],
Point[a1[Mod[i, 100], i/100, t]]}, {i, 1,
20000}],(*Second Sea Creature:30,000 points with rainbow hues*)
Table[{Hue[i/30000, 1, 1], Opacity[0.3], PointSize[0.0025],
Point[a2[Mod[i, 100], i/150, t]]}, {i, 1, 30000}]},
PlotRange -> {{20, 380}, {-40, 430}},
Background -> GrayLevel[6/255], ImageSize -> 550,
AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> False, Frame -> False], {t, 0,
16 Pi, (16 Pi)/100} (*This produces 101 frames;adjust as needed*)];
FrameListVideo[frames, FrameRate -> 10]