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[WSG25] Daily Study Group: Introduction to Laplace Transforms

A Wolfram U Daily Study Group, Introduction to Laplace Transforms, begins on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 11am CT.

Join me and a group of fellow learners to study the foundations of Laplace transforms. Our topics for the Study Group include the basic definition as an integral and its elementary properties, Laplace transforms of different types of functions, numerical approximations, inverse Laplace transforms and their properties, inverse Laplace transforms of different types of functions, complex inversion and numerical approximations for the inverse transform. A final section consists of applications to ODEs, PDEs and even fractional calculus, sums and integrals. The Study Group is intended for science, technology, engineering and math majors; teachers and professors looking for different ways of presenting Laplace transforms for their students; and anyone who wants to learn about Laplace transforms using Wolfram Language.

A basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language is recommended. If you want to get started now, try out Introduction to Differential Equations or Introduction to Complex Analysis.

Daily Study Group: Introduction to Laplace Transforms

Dates and Times: February 18 - February 28, 11am -12pm CT (4 - 5pm GMT)

Register here:

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Juan is a highly-experienced instructor and has worked hard to create this wonderful introduction to Laplace transforms and their many applications.

I strongly recommend this study group to everyone!

POSTED BY: Devendra Kapadia
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