If we drop the last consonant and replace "z" with "s" and "w" with "v" (because, they are easily "confused" too) then we can convert to Koremutake those Donomens:
ToLowerCase@StringTake[#, {1, -2}], {"z" -> "s", "w" -> "v"}]] & /@ {"DIHAVEJIG", "NUGIBUBAD", "MOKOMEMUL", "VIHUBOMEK", "HIZOJODOF", "JIKUTEBAK", "DUGOFUFIW", "FAZIWATOS",
Out[8]= {17181344, 121963008, 107600052, 180814257, 55758985,
67774336, 21317646, 26389073, 134930947, 118302009, 152176539,
152275201, 151210452, 78399119, 181260236, 177382787, 154395338,
144703818, 100885976, 120826705}
Moreover, "donome" itself is also convertible to Koremutake:
In[10]:= ResourceFunction["KoremutakeConvert"]["Donome"]
Out[10]= 154801