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Fractal Fun: Tweet-a-Program Mandelbrot Code Challenge

This week Wolfram is celebrating Benoit Mandelbrot‘s birthday and his contributions to mathematics by holding a Tweet-a-Program challenge. In honor of Mandelbrot, tweet us your favorite fractal-themed lines of Wolfram Language code.

To give you some ideas, I've listed below my favorite examples of WL-generated fractals:

  1. Fractal Self-Portrait, The Mandelbrot Set:

Fractal Self-Portrait, The Mandelbrot Set

  1. A Binary Fractal Hand:

The Fractal Hand

  1. A MandelTree:


  1. Dalí's Face of War: (For comparison with the next graphic.)

The Face of War

  1. The WL Face of War:

WL Face of War

  1. A Cool Julia Set:

Julia Set

  1. The Glynn Set Tree:

Glynn Set

  1. The Jurassic Park Fractal Dragon in 3D:

Jurassic Dragon

  1. A Plane-Filling H-Fractal in 3D:


  1. The GoldenRatio Icosahedron Fractal:

Icosahedron Fractal

  1. My Golden Fractal Tree Gasket:

enter image description here

Read about its discovery in Adventures into the Mathematical Forest of Fractal Trees.

  1. A Five-Armed Spiral Galaxy:

Fractal Galaxy

  1. The Koch Snowflake Tree:

Koch Snowflake

  1. A Binary Tree:

Binary Tree

  1. A Sierpinski Triangle Tree:

Sierpinski Triangle Tree

  1. A Plane-Filling Tree:

Plane-Filling Tree

  1. And My Tetrahedron Sierpinski Tree:

Tetrahedron Tree

I hope that these examples captured your imagination. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Bernat Espigulé

POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé
3 Replies

Do you want get started with Tweet-a-Program?

Check out our Wolfram Language Guide about Iterated Maps & Fractals

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POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé

Here are some great fractals submitted by other users:

Valtteri Raiko ?@vjraik

enter image description here

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Silvia ?@Silvia_Torosyan

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AlephAlpha ?@alephalpha911

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Andrew J. Bromage ?@deguerre

enter image description here

Hiroki Sayama ?@HirokiSayama

enter image description here

Andrea Gerlach ?@andreagerlach

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé

Beautiful. Well, but it would have been even more beautiful if the code were copyable... =/

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