I am reposting here my answer for convenience
This seems logical to me (works same efficiently without ConformImages but I just wanted to feature it):
dir =(*path to dir containing unzipped folders*);
ndir = FileNameJoin[{dir, "negative"}];
pdir = FileNameJoin[{dir, "positive"}];
nfiles = Import[ndir <> "/*.png"];
pfiles = Import[pdir <> "/*.png"];
negative = ConformImages[nfiles, 200];
positive = ConformImages[pfiles, 200];
$train = 100;
trainingData = <|"Apple" -> positive[[;;$train]], "None" -> negative[[;;$train]]|>;
testingData = <|"Apple" -> positive[[$train+1;;]], "None" -> negative[[$train+1;;]]|>;
c = Classify[trainingData,
Method -> {"SupportVectorMachine",
"KernelType" -> "RadialBasisFunction",
"MulticlassMethod" -> "OneVersusAll"},
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"];
Magnify[{#, c[#]} & /@
Flatten[{RandomSample[positive[[$trainSize + 1 ;;]], 10],
RandomSample[negative[[$trainSize + 1 ;;]], 10]}] // Transpose // Grid, 0.5]
cm = ClassifierMeasurements[c, testingData];
Response to Answer
Thanks Vitalyi, great start, yes 79% is not terrible! Unfortunately, this is not working for any images that have real backgrounds. For example:
What do we need to to to make the detector more robust to the logo signal? This is the heart of the problem!