There is a pole at x=0
(the integrand is infinity at 0)
Limit[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], x -> 0]
You can also see this by writing
Integrate[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], {x, a, Infinity}]
Notice the Re[a]>0
in the above.
Now, why GenerateConditions -> False
made it work? I do not know. I think this is a bug. But I am no expert on this. I do not think the value generated is even correct. Compare
Integrate[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], {x, 0, Infinity}, GenerateConditions -> False] // N
Integrate[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], {x, 10^(-64), Infinity}] // N
Compare also what happens when using PrincipalValue -> True
which tells it to ignore the simple pole at x=0
Integrate[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], {x, 0, Infinity}, PrincipalValue -> True]
it returns unevaluated. So I have no idea where this result
Integrate[x^3*BesselK[2, x] BesselK[2, x], {x, 0, Infinity}, GenerateConditions -> False]
(*1/3 - 4 EulerGamma + Log[16]*)
came from.