I'm trying to generate maps of multiple countries' administrative divisions by population. I can get them drawn with multiple countries, or with one country by administrative division, but but not with multiple countries' administrative divisions -- any time I include multiple Administrative Divisions it doesn't resolve correctly.
By Multiple Countries' Administrative Division (doesn't draw the map at all):
GeoRegionValuePlot[{Entity["AdministrativeDivision", { _ , "Iran"}]-> "Population", Entity["AdministrativeDivision", { _ , "Iraq"}]-> "Population"}]
By Countries only (draws the maps correctly but without administrative divisions or population density):
GeoRegionValuePlot[{Entity["Country", "Iran"]->"Population", Entity["Country", "Iraq"]->"Population"}]
By an Individual Country's Administrative Division (works for one country only):
GeoRegionValuePlot[Entity["AdministrativeDivision", { _ , "Iran"}]-> "Population"]
Any help would be appreciated.