I have 4 functions. I want them to show up in a plot where I can switch on and off curves:
f1[x_] := Cos[3 Sqrt[x]]
f2[x_] := Sin[x]
f3[x_] := Sin[2 x]
f4[x_] := Sin[.2 x^2]
Plot[{g1[x], g2[x], g3[x], g4[x]}, {x, 0, 10}], {{g1, f1,
""}, {f1 -> "I1", "0"}}, {{g2, "0", ""}, {f2 -> "I2", "0"}}, {{g3,
"0", ""}, {f3 -> "I3", "0"}}, {{g4, "0", ""}, {f4 -> "I4", "0"}},
ControlPlacement -> Left]
The behavior is correct in the code above. However, it is easy to see that a more elegant solution would be one with four CheckBoxes, but I can't figure out how to make this work properly. Is there anybody who knows how to do this? Thanks for your help Maarten