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Linearization of differential equation

Posted 10 years ago


I would like to linearize a differential equation around a equilibrium position. The description of the steps that I have carried out are :


eq = 1/2 g l m Cos[?[t]] == J (?^??)[t]

Equation around the equilibrium position can be re-written as :

eqAe = Replace[eq, ?[ t] -> (?e &) + ??[t], ?]

Change of variables

eqLi = Replace[eq, {D[??[t], {t, 2}] -> ??pp, D[??[t], t] -> ??p, ??[t] -> ??}, ?]


  eqLi2 = Series[eqLi[[1]], {{??pp, ??p,  ??}, {0, 0, 0}, 1}] == 
          Series[eqLi[[2]], {{??pp, ??p, ??}, {0, 0, 0}, 1}]

Change of variables

eqLi3 = Replace[eq, ??pp -> {D[??[t], {t, 2}], ??p -> D[??[t], t], ?? -> ??[t]}, ?]

Currently, I try to transform a code that I have done on Maple and which works to Mathematica. However, I have still some blocking points.

Can anyone help me to obtain to correct my code ? I send the .nb in copy

Thanks a lot for your help

8 Replies

Sorry, I have no expertise in linearizing differential equations.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 years ago


Thank you for your help.

First, concerning the substraction of two equations, I found on the net on more simple way (to my point of view) :

 `Inner[Subtract, eq\[Psi]Ae, eq\[Psi]E, Equal];`

Secondly, I have still a little concerning the linearization that I have noticed when I have employed my method on a more complex example (see in the file attached).

I find this for the equation of psi

$$ \Delta \psi '(t) \left(\Delta \theta (t) \Delta \theta '(t) \left(-2 A \sin (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})-2 A \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \sin '(\text{$\theta $e})+2 C \sin (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})+2 C \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \sin '(\text{$\theta $e})\right)+\Delta \theta '(t) (2 C \sin (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos (\text{$\theta $e})-2 A \sin (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos (\text{$\theta $e}))\right)+\Delta \psi ''(t) \left(\Delta \theta (t) \left(2 A \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})-2 C \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})\right)+A \cos (\text{$\theta $e})^2-C \cos (\text{$\theta $e})^2+C\right)+C \Omega \Delta \theta (t) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e}) \Delta \theta '(t)+C \Omega \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \Delta \theta '(t)=\Delta \psi (t) \left(g L m_3 \cos (\text{$\theta $e}) \sin '(\text{$\psi $e})+g L m_3 \Delta \theta (t) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e}) \sin '(\text{$\psi $e})\right)+g L m_3 \Delta \theta (t) \sin (\text{$\psi $e}) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})$$

and for the equation theta :

$$A \Delta \theta ''(t)+\Delta \psi '(t) \left(-C \Omega \cos (\text{$\theta $e})-C \Omega \Delta \theta (t) \cos '(\text{$\theta $e})\right)=\Delta \psi (t) \left(g L m_3 \sin (\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\psi $e})+g L m_3 \Delta \theta (t) \sin '(\text{$\theta $e}) \cos '(\text{$\psi $e})\right)+g L m_3 \Delta \theta (t) \cos (\text{$\psi $e}) \sin '(\text{$\theta $e})$$

Instead of

psi equation : $$C \left( {\frac {\rm d}{{\rm d}t}}\epsilon2 \left( t \right) \right) \Omega\,\cos \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) + \left( A \left( \cos \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) \right) ^{2}-C \left( \cos \left( { \it theta\_e} \right) \right) ^{2}+C \right) {\frac {{\rm d}^{2}}{ {\rm d}{t}^{2}}}\epsilon1 \left( t \right) =\epsilon1 \left( t \right) Lgm_{{3}}\cos \left( {\it psi\_e} \right) \cos \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) -\epsilon2 \left( t \right) Lgm_{{3}}\sin \left( { \it psi\_e} \right) \sin \left( {\it theta\_e} \right)$$

for theta equation $$-C \left( {\frac {\rm d}{{\rm d}t}}\epsilon1 \left( t \right) \right) \Omega\,\cos \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) +A{\frac {{\rm d}^ {2}}{{\rm d}{t}^{2}}}\epsilon2 \left( t \right) =-\epsilon1 \left( t \right) Lgm_{{3}}\sin \left( {\it psi\_e} \right) \sin \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) +\epsilon2 \left( t \right) Lgm_{{3}}\cos \left( { \it psi\_e} \right) \cos \left( {\it theta\_e} \right) $$

So, it seems that i have some terms with second orders which are still in my equations after linearization at the first order.

Do you have ideas how I can correct my linearization step ?

Thanks a lot of your help

P.S: Sorry if my post is not easy to read, I have still some difficulties to enter Mathematica inputs in my posts. I 'm interesting also how I can enter Mathematica inputs in a post.strong text


Yes, it is a bit complicated. If you need it a lot, you can load the following definitions in your initialization code:

Equal /: Equal[a_, b_] + Equal[c_, d_] := Equal[a + c, b + d];
Equal /: a_?NumericQ*Equal[c_, d_] := Equal[a*c, a*d];

After that, you can simply type

(a == b) - 2 (c == d)

and get a - 2 c == b - 2 d as desired.

I think Wolfram should provide this behaviour as default, if there is no serious reason not to do it.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 years ago

OK. Thanks a lot for your help. But is not there something simpler ? I find this code interesting but a bit coimplex just to make a soustraction between two equations

I have almost a solution with this code : e1 = 3 a + e == b; e2 = 6 c == d; Thread[e1 + e2, Equal]

However with minus, it doesn't work ... :)


You can combine equations using rules:

equationCombinationRules = {Equal[a_, b_] + Equal[c_, d_] :> 
    Equal[a + c, b + d],
   a_?NumericQ*Equal[c_, d_] :> Equal[a*c, a*d]};

-(1/2 g l m Cos[\[Theta]e] == 0) + (1/2 g l m Cos[\[Theta]e] - 
     1/2 g l m \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta] Sin[\[Theta]e] == 
    J \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]pp) //. equationCombinationRules
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 years ago

Thank you Gianluca Gorni. You perfectly answer to my question. However, I have still a slight question. In fact, I would have liked to linearize the equations around the equilibrium position minus the equation at the equilibrium position. I have attached a .nb in order to give you more precisions. The point is : Is it possible to make soustraction between 2 equations ? How can we code equation 3 = equation 2 - equation 1? May you have a look on my file to see how it is possible to correct the soustraction between 2 equations. Thank you for your help.


Usually you work with Jacobian matrix to find the equilibrium point of system via linearization. You will have much simpler set of equations to deal with. $y1 = \theta$ and $y2=\theta'$. $[y1',y2']^{T} = f([y1,y2]^{T})$. The Jacobian is hence:

D[{y2, (g l m Cos[y1])/(2 J)}, {{y1, y2}}]
====> {{0, 1}, {-((g l m Sin[y1])/(2 J)), 0}}

you find the $theta$ at equlibrium by

Det[%] ====> (g l m Sin[y1])/(2 J)

Therefore the equilibrium occurs at $\sin{y1} ==0 $ or $\sin{\theta} == 0 $

You may refer to 2.Stability of this article and Vector Analysis in Mathematica

POSTED BY: Shenghui Yang

I would try something like this:

eqAe = eq /. \[Theta] -> (\[Theta]e + \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta][#] &)
repl = {\[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]''[
     t] -> \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]pp, \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]'[
     t] -> \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]p, \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta][
     t] -> \[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]};
EqLi = eqAe /. repl
   EqLi, {\[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]pp, 0, 1}, {\[CapitalDelta]\[Theta]p,
     0, 1}, {\[CapitalDelta]\[Theta], 0, 1}] /. Map[Reverse, repl]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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