The following script produces a nice table showing some properties of the naked eye stars, arranged in order of decreasing brightness.
Unfortunately, this script runs very slowly, and can take over half an hour to complete. It is also not completely repeatable, sometimes omitting a few stars from the list, so that there is fewer than the full complement of 8910 entries.
I would greatly appreciate suggestions that might improve the performance of this script.
StarData[EntityClass["Star", "NakedEyeStar"]];
StarData[%, {"Name", "ApparentMagnitude", "Declination",
% //. {a___, _Missing, b___} :> {a, b};
% /. {n_String, m_, dec_, ra_} :> {m, {n, m, dec, ra}} // Sort;
% /. {_Real, a_List} :> a;
% /. {n_String, m_, dec_, ra_} :> {n, m, UnitConvert[dec],
UnitConvert[ra], dec, ra};
% /. Quantity[a_, "Radians"] :> a;
% /. {n_String, m_, decrad_, rarad_, dec_, ra_} :> {n,
m, {dec, ra}, {\[Pi]/2 - decrad, rarad}};
Transpose@Prepend[Transpose@%, Range@Length@%];
startable =
Prepend[%, {"Index", "Name", "Magnitude",
ToString@{"Declination", "Right Ascension"},
ToString@{\[Theta], \[Phi]}}];