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Where can I find the Basic Math Assistant Palette?

Posted 10 years ago

I just downloaded this onto my Mac, does anyone know how to get the Basic Math Assistant Palette on it??

POSTED BY: Shannon Zorn
7 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

I meant to ask whether the Basic Math Input palette is available for download somewhere?

POSTED BY: Ronald Kanagy
Posted 6 years ago

Is there a notebook for the Basic Math Input palette available?

Please note that this is not referring to the Basic Math Assistant Palette, but the Basic Math Input palette as referred to in the book Schaum's Outline of Mathematica, Third Edition.

POSTED BY: Ronald Kanagy
Posted 6 years ago

@Arnoud Buzing Thank you! That worked for me.

POSTED BY: Ronald Kanagy

Just do:

NotebookPut[ CloudGet[ co ] ]

where co is set to any of these:

CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""] CloudObject[""]

So, for example, for the Basic Math palette:

co  = CloudObject[""];
NotebookPut[ CloudGet[ co ] ]
POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
Posted 6 years ago

I am new to Wolfram Desktop for Mac, and I am actually missing the Basic Math, Classroom, and Writing Assistant palettes. They don't show on the Palettes menu, nor are they in the FrontEnd/Palettes folder in the Mac Applications folder. I also do not have an earlier version of Mathematica to pull those palette files from.

Does anybody know where I can get these palettes and install them?

POSTED BY: Ronald Kanagy
Posted 10 years ago

Or you can find this palette use the command:

FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", 
  "Palettes", "BasicMathAssistant.nb"}]
Posted 10 years ago

I don't know if Mac have different interface but check the top, Palette> Basic Math Assistant

POSTED BY: Thai Kee Gan
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