sounds like homework. This should work:
f[m_Integer] := Module[{k = m}, Table[Print[2 (j - 1) + 1], {j, 1, k}];
StringJoin[{{"The sum is ", ToString[Evaluate[Total[Table[2 (j - 1) + 1, {j, 1, k}]]]]}, "."}]]
You can easily evaluate that for three different numbers.
The print command is somewhat artificial, because table does it anyway. But here is a variant where the Print is important:
g[m_Integer] := Module[{k = m}, For[j = 1, j <= k, j++, Print[2 (j - 1) + 1]];
StringJoin[{{"The sum is ", ToString[Evaluate[Total[Table[2 (j - 1) + 1, {j, 1, k}]]]]}, "."}]]