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How to I permanently set default window margins upon Mathematica bootup?

Posted 10 years ago

Hi, Every time I open Mathematica and auto starts a new notebook it opens with non-ideal margins. I'd like to change this setting.

I'd like the default window margins to be something I choose. Can I do this in the option inspector? Or can I change the default stylesheet to accomplish this? Or can I programmatically make Mathematica do this upon bootup? If so... how?

Thanks in advance. Sorry for all the questions. I'm on spring break and am having some fun learning all that I can while I can. Thank you!


POSTED BY: Michael McCain
3 Replies

On the site ( it says use "SHOW RULER". I cannot find Show Ruler anywhere in the Mathematica UI. One can select menu item Window -> Toolbar -> Ruler, and a ruler does appear on the top of the page. Moving the left angle bracket to "1" did create more space in the window open on the right, but had no effect on the window open on the left. What the requester (Michael McCain, Ventura College) wants is one setting that will make more space available on every window every time a new page is created. I think that is a great idea.

What does the little triangle approximately 2/3 of the way across the ruler signify? Mine does not move. Should it?

POSTED BY: Charles Elliott

I apolgozie for the ambiguity. I was referring to the WindowMargins in your case 1.

POSTED BY: Michael McCain

I think we first have to clarify what "Margins" means. It can be a bit ambiguous.

Do this mean WindowMargins? (

Or maybe you want to leave more space around the Notebook's cells with CellMargins? (

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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