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psfrag for Mathematica 10

Posted 10 years ago


As far as I understand, psfrag is no longer working with Mathematica 10. Does anyone have a solution for this problem or knows whether there will be a solution in the near future? Or is there an alternative? What I want to do is export eps files from Mathematica and include them into Latex with nice Labels.

11 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

Really, Szabolcs has made an good enough p.C.. Regardless, it does not handle my fear with psfrag-substitutions using eps-pictures in a LaTeX-document.

POSTED BY: Luigi Vann
Posted 6 years ago

Mathematica often produces corrupted EPS files, hence is is usually better to Export your graphics as PDF, then convert the latter to EPS using third-party tools. Here are some posts of mine containing description of different ways to do this:

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov
Posted 6 years ago

Thanks for the interesting suggestion, Alexey. I am unable to tell for sure, but it may well be that flattening transparency is related to my problem. The images were Graphics objects, not Graphics3D.

I am not sure that I can use your method. I don't know how LaTeX does it, but it needs to be able to identify certain strings of text in the EPS-file as such for the psfrag-substitution to work the way it used to (substitute a user specified string with a TeX-command). The rest of my document will be typeset by LaTeX, and using fonts other than those in my TeX-system is not an option.

My testing confirmed that Mathematica was changed for worse in this sense when moving away from version 9. I would also like to know why Wolfram did that? Or is there an export option to go back to this (not unlike the option to temporarily go back to version 5 graphics that existed in some versions for the purposes of backwards compatibility)?

POSTED BY: Jyrki Lahtonen

There is a dedicated thread on this forum by Szabolcs: LaTeX typesetting in Mathematica

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Posted 6 years ago

Yes, Szabolcs has made a nice package. But it does not solve my problem with psfrag-substitutions using eps-images in a LaTeX-document.

POSTED BY: Jyrki Lahtonen

Could you please explain what you can achieve with psfrag (or MathPSFrag) that is not possible with MaTeX? Maybe there is a way to improve MaTeX to accommodate your use case. I would simply like to understand your motivation for wanting to use psfrag.

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for this, Szabolcs!

As I "promised" in stackexchange I got around to testing MaTeX now that I'm updating my lecture notes. Works very well for me. Particularly in 3D eps-images where I never got good results with LaTeX's psfrag-package. A thing I am missing from psfrag is that the font size is no longer determined at complie time - no way MaTeX could know how I will rescale the image afterwards :-( Then again, psfrag substitution occasionally produces uncomfortably large symbols for the chosen image size. So I am inclined to call this a feature as opposed to a bug. After all, MaTeX will let me specify the fontsize anyway.

Thanks once more. Happy with MaTeX!

POSTED BY: Jyrki Lahtonen
POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

By the way, am I the only one having trouble with the size of exported pdf from a Row[] object? For example:

dsk = Graphics[{Circle[], Text["abc"]}, ImageSize -> 250]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "dsk.pdf", dsk]
twoDsks = Row[{dsk, dsk}]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "twodsks.pdf", twoDsks]

In the notebook the second picture is twice as wide as the first, but the exported pdf's are not in the same proportion. This is annoying when planning for a precise point size.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 years ago

Thank you very much. This is awesome.

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