Hi guys, im quiet new to Mathematica and having a problem getting a satisfying result for my input.
i am trying to get one Element out of a List but failing to get the whole element. I tried using the Select operator to get the right result but it doesn't give me the whole expression back. Here is an extract of my list (which is in original much larger)
{{648, {2014, 1, 1}}, {{0., 76.}, {133644., 109.}, {270239.,
127.}, {404791., 144.}, {541085., 162.}, {676764., 181.}, {813351.,
200.}, {948583., 216.}, {1.08266*10^6, 231.}, {1.21484*10^6,
245.}, {1.34529*10^6, 257.}}}, {{649, {2014, 1, 1}}, {{0.,
949.}, {3.2973*10^6, 1503.}, {6.60845*10^6, 1723.}, {9.89806*10^6,
1938.}, {1.32045*10^7, 2120.}, {1.64081*10^7,
2418.}, {1.97125*10^7, 2697.}, {2.30952*10^7,
2947.}, {2.64008*10^7, 3248.}, {2.97159*10^7,
3797.}, {3.29841*10^7, 4745.}}}, {{656, {2014, 3, 1}}, {{0.,
734.}, {2.92444*10^6, 1230.}, {5.83113*10^6, 1400.}, {8.75093*10^6,
1576.}, {1.16738*10^7, 1758.}, {1.45865*10^7,
1948.}, {1.75132*10^7, 2180.}, {2.04388*10^7, 2439.}, {2.3342*10^7,
2716.}, {2.62651*10^7, 2934.}, {2.9005*10^7,
The very first Element shows the ID and the second one is the date for e.g.. (the first ID is 648, and date is 2014.1.1 in this list) after that there are the important data i need. I only want to search the ID number so the date is quite uninteresting. So in the end i would like to have something like this... i search for 648 and it gives me back
{{648, {2014, 1, 1}}, {{0., 76.}, {133644., 109.}, {270239., 127.}, {404791., 144.}, {541085., 162.}, {676764., 181.}, {813351., 200.}, {948583., 216.}, {1.0826610^6, 231.}, {1.2148410^6, 245.}, {1.34529*10^6, 257.}}}
i would appreciate every help i get :)