Hi all.
I am confused by the output when differentiating logs.
When I try to differentiate 6(e^x)lny wrt x, using : D[6 e^x ln[y], x], the output is 6 e^x ln[y] Log[e]. The answer should be 6(e^x)lny. When I try to differentiate D[6 e^ln[u cos[v]] ln[u sin[v]], u], the output is 6 e^ln[u cos[v]] cos[v] ln[u sin[v]] Log[e] Derivative[1][ln][ u cos[v]] + 6 e^ln[u cos[v]] sin[v] Derivative[1][ln][u sin[v]] It's all rather confusing. Can someone please explain the outputs?
Thanks in advance.