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Control Legend size when autoLegend is used with LinTicks

Posted 10 years ago


It looks simple, but I'm been trying to solve this issue for days, but no luck yet. So, here I'm. I used "LinTicks", as customized option and another graphic option.

Here is my code. I'm always trying to make it simple, but this thing gets heavier with a graphic option (autoLegend). If you know better way, please, let me know. So, here is the code.

Options[legendMaker] = 
    Except[{ImageSize, FrameStyle, Background, RoundingRadius, 
      ImageMargins}]], {FrameStyle -> None, 
    Background -> Directive[Opacity[.7], LightGray], 
    RoundingRadius -> 10, ImageMargins -> 0, PlotStyle -> Automatic, 
    PlotMarkers -> None, "LegendLineWidth" -> 35, 
    "LegendLineAspectRatio" -> .3, "LegendMarkerSize" -> 8, 
    "LegendGridOptions" -> {Alignment -> Left, Spacings -> {.4, .1}}}];

legendMaker::usage = 
  "Create a Graphics object with legends given by the list passed as \
the first argument. The options specify any non-deafult line styles \
(using PlotStyle -> {...}) or plot markers (using PlotMarkers -> \
{...}). For more options, inspect Options[legendMaker]";

legendMaker[textLabels_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := 
  Module[{f, lineDirectives, markerSymbols, n = Length[textLabels], 
    x}, lineDirectives = ((PlotStyle /. {opts}) /. 
       PlotStyle | Automatic :> Map[ColorData[1], Range[n]]) /. 
     None -> {None};
   markerSymbols = 
    Replace[((PlotMarkers /. {opts}) /. 
         Automatic :> (Drop[
                  PlotMarkers -> Automatic][[1, 2]]][[1]], -1] /. 
             Inset[x_, i__] :> x)[[All, -1]]) /. {Graphics[gr__], 
         sc_} :> Graphics[gr, 
         ImageSize -> ("LegendMarkerSize" /. {opts} /. 
              "LegendMarkerSize"] /. {"LegendMarkerSize" -> 8})], 
      PlotMarkers | None :> 
       Map[Style["", Opacity[0]] &, textLabels]] /. 
     None | {} -> Style["", Opacity[0]];
   lineDirectives = PadRight[lineDirectives, n, lineDirectives];
   markerSymbols = PadRight[markerSymbols, n, markerSymbols];
   f = Grid[
     MapThread[{Graphics[{#1 /. None -> {}, 
          If[#1 === {None} || (PlotStyle /. {opts}) === None, {}, 
           Line[{{-.1, 0}, {.1, 0}}]], 
          Inset[#2, {0, 0}, Background -> None]}, 
         AspectRatio -> ("LegendLineAspectRatio" /. {opts} /. 

              "LegendLineAspectRatio"] /. {"LegendLineAspectRatio" -> \
.2}), ImageSize -> ("LegendLineWidth" /. {opts} /. 
              "LegendLineWidth"] /. {"LegendLineWidth" -> 35}), 
         ImagePadding -> {{1, 1}, {0, 0}}], 
        Text[#3, FormatType -> TraditionalForm]} &, {lineDirectives, 
       markerSymbols, textLabels}], 
      Evaluate[("LegendGridOptions" /. {opts} /. 
           "LegendGridOptions"] /. {"LegendGridOptions" -> {Alignment \
-> Left, Spacings -> {.4, .1}}})]];
    FilterRules[{Sequence[opts, Options[legendMaker]]}, 
     FilterRules[Options[Framed], Except[ImageSize]]]]];

extractStyles::usage = 
  "returns a tuple {\"all line style directives\", \"all plot markers\
\"} found in the plot, in the order they are drawn. The two sublists \
need not have the same length if some lines don't use markers ";
extractStyles[plot_] := 
 Module[{lines, markers, points, 
   extract = First[Normal[plot]]},(*In a plot,
  the list of lines contains no insets,so I use this to find it:*)
  lines = Select[Cases[Normal[plot], {___, _Line, ___}, Infinity], 
    FreeQ[#1, Inset] &];
  points = 
   Select[Cases[Normal[plot], {___, _Point, ___}, Infinity], 
    FreeQ[#1, Inset] &];
  (*Most plot markers are inside Inset,
  except for Point in list plots:*)
  markers = Select[extract, ! FreeQ[#1, Inset] &];
  (*The function returns a list of lists:*){(*The first return value \
is the list of line plot styles:*)
     lines, {c__, Line[__], ___} :> 
      Flatten[Directive @@ Cases[{c}, Except[_Line]]], 
     Infinity], {} -> None],(*Second return value:marker symbols*)
     Cases[markers, {c__, Inset[s_, pos_, d___], e___} :> 
       If[(*markers "s" can be strings or graphics*)
        Head[s] === 
         Graphics,(*Append scale factor in case it's needed later;
        default 0.01*){s, Last[{.01, d}] /. Scaled[f_] :> First[f]}, 
        If[(*For strings,
         add line color if no color specified via text styles:*)
         FreeQ[s, CMYKColor | RGBColor | GrayLevel | Hue], 
         Style[s, c], s]], Infinity],(*Filter out Pointsize-
     legends don't need it:*)
     Cases[points, {c___, 
        Point[pt__], ___} :> {Graphics[{c, Point[{0, 0}]}] /. 
         PointSize[_] :> PointSize[1], .01}, Infinity]], {} -> None]}]

autoLegend::usage = 
  "Simplified legending for the plot passed as first argument, with \
legends given as second argument. Use the option Alignment -> \
{horizontal, vertical} to place the legend in the PlotRegion in \
scaled coordinates. For other options, see Options[legendMaker] which \
are used by autoLegend.";
Options[autoLegend] = 
  Join[{Alignment -> {Right, Top}, Background -> White, 
    AspectRatio -> Automatic}, 
    Except[Alignment | Background | AspectRatio]]];
autoLegend[plot_Graphics, labels_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := 
 Module[{lines, markers, 
   align = OptionValue[Alignment]}, {lines, markers} = 
  Graphics[{Inset[plot, {-1, -1}, {Left, Bottom}, Scaled[1]], 
    Inset[legendMaker[labels, PlotStyle -> lines, 
      PlotMarkers -> markers, 
      Sequence @@ 
        FilterRules[Options[legendMaker], Except[Alignment]]]], align,
      Map[If[NumericQ[#], Center, #] &, align]]}, 
   PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, 
   AspectRatio -> (OptionValue[AspectRatio] /. 
       Automatic :> (AspectRatio /. Options[plot, AspectRatio]) /. 
      Automatic :> (AspectRatio /. 
         AbsoluteOptions[plot, AspectRatio]))]]

SetOptions[LinTicks, MajorTickLength -> {0.02, 0}, 
  MinorTickLength -> {0.013, 0}];

\[Sigma] = 5.67*^-8;(*Stefan-Boltzmann Constant*)
\[Epsilon] = 1;(*Emissivity*)
\[Alpha] = 1;(*Absorbtivity*)
\[Tau] = 1;(*Transmittance*)
g = 1*^3;(*Solar radiation 1Kw/m^2" *)
c = 2.28;(*Concentration*)
receff[x_] := \[Alpha] \[Tau] - (\[Sigma] \[Epsilon] (x^4 - 
      293.15^4))/(c g);
syseff[x_] := (\[Alpha] \[Tau] - (\[Sigma] \[Epsilon] (x^4 - 
        293.15^4))/(c g)) (1 - 293.15/x);
without = 
  Plot[Evaluate[{receff[x], syseff[x]}], {x, 293.15, 1073.15}, 
   PlotStyle -> (Directive @@@ 
      Transpose[{Join[ConstantArray[Dashed, 1], 
         ConstantArray[Thick, 1]], 
        Flatten[ConstantArray[{Black, Red}, 1]]}]), Frame -> True, 
   PlotRange -> {{250, 1000}, {0, 1.05}}, 
   FrameLabel -> {"Temperature (K)", "Efficiency (%)"}, 
   FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, 18], 
   FrameTicks -> {LinTicks[0, 1100, 200, 5], LinTicks[0, 1, 0.4, 5], 
     None, None}, ImageSize -> Large];

 Show[without], {"Reciever w/ 2.28 Sun", "System w/ 2.28 Sun"}, 
 Background -> Directive[None, Opacity[.5]], Alignment -> {0.43, 0.8}]

Here is the result.

enter image description here

I was able to make big text for Ticks, but I couldn't get Legend big. If you know how to make it big, please, help me. It would be very appreciable. Thank you.

POSTED BY: Sungwoo Yang
Posted 10 years ago

Forgot to mention that I used Lintick to keep Ticks with high resolution image. When I enlarge an image without LinTicks, I lost Ticks. That's why I used LinTicks. But if you guys know to get around this, please, let me know too. Because I have to run the LinTicks package every time before I run this code to work.

POSTED BY: Sungwoo Yang
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