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Need help facebook report

Posted 10 years ago

I'm trying to generate a report with Facebook Report but there is no result. I've tried it about 4 months ago and it was ok... What happenened? Thanks for your help.

POSTED BY: Karen gh
5 Replies

Hi Karen,

I do not know how important it is for your project to use your own Facebook data, as opposed to someone else's. There is a website that contains large data sets, including some of Facebook. In a certain sense that might be even more useful than your own data, because it might be more representative. If you download the Facebook data from that website you can import and plot it like so:

Graph[#[[1]] -> #[[2]] & /@ (Flatten[StringSplit[#, " "], 2] & /@ Import["~/Desktop/facebook_combined.txt", "TSV"])]

enter image description here

(You might have to adapt the path to the file.) You can also identify communities, but the following command will run a couple of minutes:

CommunityGraphPlot[#[[1]] -> #[[2]] & /@ (Flatten[StringSplit[#, " "],2] & /@ Import["~/Desktop/facebook_combined.txt", "TSV"])]

enter image description here

Once you have the graph you can of course use Mathematica's rich functionality of graph analytics. By the way, if you do not want to save the file on your hard drive, you can also use the file from the Internet directly:

Graph[#[[1]] -> #[[2]] & /@ (Flatten[StringSplit[#, " "], 2] & /@ Import["", "TSV"])]


CommunityGraphPlot[#[[1]] -> #[[2]] & /@ (Flatten[StringSplit[#, " "],2] & /@ Import["", "TSV"])]

What I am trying to say is that even if the Facebook API does not work as before, there are fantastic data sets out there that you might work on. Mathematica offers all the tools to import the data and analyse it. In the Stanford website you find for example data from Google circles, that contains many more nodes and edges.

There are also really interesting posts by Stephen Wolfram such as Data Science of the Facebook World.

I am not sure if this helps,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi Karen,

Facebook introduced a new system to protect privacy. This blocks much of the data that Facebook Report needs. See this blog post. I guess that it stopped working...



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Marco but as i undestand (and it's difficult because I'm french and my english is just horrible), The privacy protect concerns only facebook profiles of friends or other people but not mine. Now I'm connected with my profile and want to analyse my datas. Do you think that it is the same problem enhanced by the blog post or not?

POSTED BY: Karen gh
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Marco, I am frustrated because I needed it for my work ... down on one's luck. But it's weird because it should work on my own profile Here's Toulouse, Best regards Karen

POSTED BY: Karen gh
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