Good evening,
I encounter a difficult problem with Mathematica (last release). I have 127 lines of datas, with for each line, 9 columns. I imported from a txt file. The fourth column is called ropt, and using it I define rd as ropt/3.2.
I want to plot for radius between 1/3.2 and 1, a certain function dvtot[radius*rd] and this for each line of the data table.
I tried with this but it didn't work (blank plot) :
ListPlot[Table[{radius, dvtot[radius*rd]}, {radius, 1/3.2, 1, 0.1}],
Filling -> Axis, PlotLegends -> "Expressions", Frame -> True,
PlotLabel -> "dLog(Vtot)/dLog(r)", PlotRange -> All,
FrameLabel -> {r/Rd, dLog[V]/dLog[r]}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.003]]
I tried also this:
Plot[{dvtot[radius*rd[[2]]]}, {radius, 1/3.2, 1},
PlotLegends -> "Expressions", Frame -> True,
PlotLabel -> "dLog(Vtot)/dLog(r)", PlotRange -> All,
FrameLabel -> {r/Rd, dLog[V]/dLog[r]}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.003]]
Of course this works it give me one curve corresponding to the second line of the data table, but I want to automatically generate plots for each line of datas and export them, so at the end I will end up with 127 plots.
Also I would like to have one plot with 127 curves, but I think it is less relevant than the thing before.
I don't know it loops (like for loops) can be easier to handle with. I can give you more in detail the function that I want to plot, but I think it is not relevant for my problem, because the problem that I have is not in defining the function; the function works.
Thanks for you help