I defined the following function
Catalandef[t_][u_, v_] := Cos[t] {u - Sin[u] Cosh[v],
1 - Cos[u] Cosh[v], -4 Sin[u/2] Sinh[v/2]} +
Sin[t] {v - Cos[u] Sinh[v], Sin[u] Sinh[v],
4 - 4 Cos[u/2] Cosh[v/2]}
and I want to make a Manipulate windows to see how Catalan minimal surface (Catalandef[0][u,v])
is deformating in the corresponding conjugate minimal surface. I tried with
Manipulate[ ParametricPlot3D[
Catalandef[t][u, v],{u,0,2\[Pi]},{v,-2,2}], {t, 0, \[Pi]/2}]
and it didn't work...I would be grateful for some help...Thank you!