Hello, I am a total newbie here and in Mathematica and trying to create some videos in 1080p with it. My problem is - how do I remove the borders and buttons for output?
If I try
vertices =
Table[RotationTransform[a, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}][
Tuples[{-1, 1}, 3][[v]]], {v, 1, 8, 1}], {a, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/80}];
Edge := {1, 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 6, 5, 1, 3, 4, 8, 7, 5, 6, 2}
CubeTrail[N_, s_, r_, z_, t_] :=
Scale[Translate[{AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[1], White,
Line[Table[{vertices[[1 + Mod[t, 80]]][[Edge[[e]]]][[1]],
vertices[[1 + Mod[t, 80]]][[Edge[[e]]]][[2]]}, {e, 1, 16,
1}]]}, r*{Cos[2 Pi*(n*t/80 + k)/N],
Sin[2 Pi*(n*t/80 + k)/N]}], z^n,
r*{Cos[2 Pi*(n*t/80 + k)/N], Sin[2 Pi*(n*t/80 + k)/N]}], {k, 1, N,
1}, {n, 1, s, 1}], PlotRange -> 5, ImageSize -> 700,
Background -> RGBColor[54/255, 70/255, 93/255]]
Animate[CubeTrail[4, 8, 3.8, .75, t], {t, 1, 80, 1},
Paneled ->
False] /. (AppearanceElements -> _) -> (AppearanceElements -> {})
for example, I still have the var t shown above the animation...can someone tell me pls what I can do to remove that letter in this example here?
Is there another, better way to create videos without any buttons and borders around it?
Or this here:
Table[{EdgeForm[{Black, AbsoluteThickness[2.5]}], FaceForm[White],
Polygon[Table[{{3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)] +
i/8 ((-1)^S*(1 + Abs[3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)]]) -
3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)]),
i/8}, {-3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)] +
i/8 ((-1)^S*(1 + Abs[3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)]]) +
3.9 Sin[Pi/8 (t + V)]),
2 - i/8}, {(-1)^S*6 - (-1)^S*i/8,
2 - i/8}, {(-1)^S*6 - (-1)^S*i/8, i/8}}, {i, 0, 8,
1}]], {0, -2 V}]}, {S, 0, 1}], {V, 0, 7, 1}],
ImageSize -> 500], {t, 0, 16}]
When I run, there is a slider shown ('t') which moves the anim, when I understand it right, t is the variable which slides through 0 and 16, is that correct? How do i need to change the code, that it does this automatically when I run it? (without border, slider or any button)